going in tomorrow to have my baby i have a question

edited April 2011 in Giving birth
So I know I'm not able to eat after 2am but can I drink water? I can't reach my Dr cause they have the phone hooked to the FAX lol.


  • Yeah sips n ice chips. Don't wanna fill up
  • I don't think your able to drink anything either. I could be wrong but if I remember correctly when I had my son 2yrs ago I wasn't allowed to eat or drink after 10pm.
  • Since you can't eat after 2 am you should be trying to get some sleep at that time anyways. I would assume some water is ok and later ice chips since they try to induce you first or has that changed? Because than I would say nothing at all after 2 am
  • I had csection n was only allowed sips n chips of ice lol. I'd def ask doc for sure tho
  • I just get dry mouth at night. As long as I can have a sip here and there. Maybe I will call the hospital
  • I have a nurse who comes visit me every two weeks... She gives me lots of info n from videos ive seen with her n read from info she brings me... YUP u can drink water... Ive seen videos were girls drink water til its time to pu sh... You should be well hidrated...
  • I didn't listen to any of that, honestly. I didn't eat much, but I didn't want to try going through hours of labor with no energy. My induction started at 2, so I had a light breakfast and around noon I had crackers and apple juice. I was grateful I'd ignored, them, too, because my labor stalled and I ended up stuck in bed with nothing but ice chips for 20-some hours.
  • I called the hospital. No water :(
  • Wat.. So in getting the wrong info... Now I need to ask my dr...
  • I've had 3 babies and I have eaten during labor with each one. I was induced with my last 2 and my doctor wanted me to eat and drink so I had energy and strength to push.
  • @Proudmomma did they also say no ice chips? My doctor even told me try not to swallow any water while brushing my teeth. Lol
  • Well I may have a csection. We wont know till they try to turn the baby
  • @kcoolzchic I asked about water and she said I can't have anything :( oh well I hope I get induced so I can have water.
  • @Proudmomma they might give you ice chips when you get there. I was induced with my son and I asked for ice and they gave it to me. And I eventually ended up having a c-section. I just wasn't dialating fast enough.
  • ahh...before my scheduled c-section I behaved and didn't eat. That also sucks because you're not allowed to eat until you've either farted or pooped because they want to be sure that you're digestive system is working again.
  • @magcaw after my c-section they didn't make sure I pooped at all. I isn't poop until 3 days after I got home from the hospital. I thought they was supposed to make sure you poop.
  • @kcoolzchic they are supposed to check, that's really not good that they didn't. The anesthesia can cause your bowels to back up and they are supposed to make sure that things are moving the way they're supposed to. The nurses at the hospital I go to didn't actually check, they just asked me about it. Did they at least give you stool softeners?
  • @magcaw no they didn't ask nor give me a stool softener. I also got hemorrhoids n my anus "tmi" when I got home. Ugh
  • I was told no water n when I brush teeth to be careful not to swallow water
  • How long is recovery with a csection
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  • @isaiahnjocelynsmommy yea I am but still scared but I know I will be OK. I'm just in shock that I'm having a baby lol. I just pray she wont need intervention
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  • @Proudmomma after they stitched me up I was in recovery for 1 hour, in the hospital for 3 days and took 3 weeks until I didn't have to take my pain medication. Every now and then I felt pain after that. Everybody's recovery/healing time is different.
  • Yea no water just ice chips and u can have water pops but trust me u don't wanna barf if they have to push on ur belly during the c sec uuuugggg
  • @isaiahnjocelynsmommy thank you

    @kcoolzchic okay well were you able to walk around and hold the baby? I know some that weren't
  • @Proudmomma I didn't want to walk dye to the pain and they didn't force me to get up that same day but the next day they made me get up and walk around plus I got to take a shower. They bought the baby to me right after I got in my room from recovery. I had him in there whenever I wanted him. It was either be in pain and move around freely or take the pain medication and be to high to get out the bed...Lol That was 2yrs ago so times have changed and you might deal with pain better than me.
  • @Proudmomma Shouldn't you be getting some rest seeing that your having your bundle tomorrow? :)
  • Ice chips r ok ..when I was inducd that's all the hospital gave me ..I was thirst so I sucked in them ice chips like crazy
  • @kcoolzchick lol its only 9:30 here and I'm wide awake. I doubt I will be sleeping tonight
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