C section

im having a planned c section this time around, jst wondered when u wud find out the date, due date is 14 sept, I was told its usually a few wk b4?


  • Why are they doing a c section?
  • Yeah, should be 9/7 unless there's an emergency. :)
  • Im having it coz last baby was over 12lbs n I was a mess inside coz her weight takin no chance with this 1.x
  • My due date is June 8 but my c-section has been set for June 1. So they probably do it a week before your due date. So I would say September 7.
  • My dr told me by llaw unless its a emergency, they cannot do a csection before 39 weeks :) I'm getting one also, so I haver lots of questions :)
  • It's usually done a wk before unless u have a emergency or go into labor..I'm due may 7th but my csection is next wk April29th..
  • @kelliesweeney am having.a c sectiom also and u can choose week before or go up until ur due date...and I decided to go in on my c section
  • Mine was 3weeks eairly last time...(however I ended up going into labor at 35 weeks and had an emergancy csection eairly than planned csection) this time around is the same. 37weeks we r doing c section.
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  • I'm going to try for a vbac but we will see what happens at 37 weeks
  • @mrs_annnyc where im from jst coz u v had 1 dnt mean theyl automatically gove I another, I had to get doc to sign forms to agree on giving me 1, but theres more of a chance ul nd 1.x
  • So if u go into labour early do they still givr u 1 or try natural?x
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