belly buttons--whats urs doing?

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
I'm 5 months n it seems like my belly button has gotten bigger or wider however u want to look at it lol what's urs doing?


  • At least u have
    Mines gone... :-(
  • Mine looks like its gonna pop out soon :/ I'm 7 months.
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  • I don't know what mines doing, I haven't seen it in 3
  • im 27 weeks mine looks so weird like the left side is flat with my stomache but the right side is still in, like its slowly coming out. But its like poking out right above it. So strange it doesnt.know which way to go haha
  • I had a really deep belly button to begin with my boyfriend called it a bottomless pit haha so right now at 26 weeks it looks like a normal persons... however I did have to take out my bottom belly ring since it was getting stretched (I have the top and bottom pierced)
  • Mines is out my daughter (16m) thinks its a door bell or something :X :X
  • Mine is getting very very shallow! Uy feels so weird hahaa I'm only 16 weeks
  • Mines still an innie and still wearin my belly ring. Ill be 28 weeks sat
  • Im 16wks and its still the same not too far along i guess
  • Wow everyones is pretty much out or the same lol I had to take my belly button ring out already :( really sucks they have pregnancy belly rings tho really want to get one
  • I'm 36 weeks mine is inside out and got a brown ring round it that looks like a butwhole lol..
  • Lmao @huneybee I'm 39+2 and mine is gone but where it used to be points down now, its creepy and weird
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