Personal Questions, Dare to try?



  • 20
    Arlington, texas
    august 23rd
    love feeling her move
    hate peeing 24/7
  • edited April 2011
    Houston Tx
    8/31 or 8/22 they moved it up
    African American and Native American
    Fav kicks and movement
    Least fav constipation
  • 24
    San Diego, California
    Oct 1, 2011
    I find out tomorrow =)
    full mexican! =D
    I love being pregnant and knowing I have another blessing coming!
    Least favorite has to be my backpains and horrible headaches =/
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  • edited April 2011
    Lexington KY
    May 31st (although I hope he comes earlier)
    boy- Sebastian
    german irish Cherokee ghanaian (ada)
    Favorite really looking forward to the birth
    least favorite gestational diabetes, heartburn, uncomfortable sex :(
  • 23
    Sept 23, but early babies run in my family
    Girl - Adeline
    Favorite thing... Hubby is sooo excited
    Least favorite... Crying for no apparent reason (darn hormones!!)
  • 25
    Nov 6th
    Black and white ( Ottawa and Welsh)
    Fav. Thing.... everything I've had no problems ay all not even ms
    Least Fav has to be the mood swings and never knowing what I want to eat
  • 20
    August 20th
    Irish/Scottish/Native American
    Fav. thing.. I love being able to feel her inside of me
    Least fav. thing... Heartburn.. Back pain..and LABOR!!!!!!
  • -23
    -South Texas
    -July 13
    -100% Hispanic
    -I love feeling her kick & being spoiled.
    -I hate having to pee ALL THE TIME!! & back pains.
  • @cgm1113 I'm from Corpus Christi too:)
  • Age: 20, be 21 in June
    location: Utah
    Due date:Aug. 27-Sept.1
    Babys sex: Female
    Race: Caucasian, Irish
    Fav : feeling her kick
    Least fav : the troubles i had during first trimester. Doing great and loving it now! Just trying to watch the weight
  • @mama_c0911 oh really thats so cool.!!!! :)
  • - 20 *turning 21 may 7th
    - clovis cali *central california
    - aug 12th *most likely having a scheduled csection aug 5th :)
    - girl!
    - white
    - love feeling my babygirl kick & move
    - dislike being uncomfortabe & not being able to sleep on my tummy.. & heartburn!
  • 21
    New Jersey
    Oct 9
    I'm going to let it b a surprise
    Black,puerto rican, japanese and white
    Knowing that I will b a mother soon
    Being on bed rest, going to the docs every week, having to give myslef a shot 2x a day n getting blood done every time I go to da docs(I hate needles)
  • 32
    Cody Wy
    Nov 24
    Unknown gender
    Love the hormonal change affecting my sex life in a good way, and watching my body change ;)
    Hate having gas, peeing all the time, waking up hungry
  • 26
    Sept 13th
    Fav: feeling him move, knowing I'll be his mommy! Least: feeling like I have pms on steroids!
  • Age: 20
    Location: Utah
    Due Date: October 14th
    Gender: I find out May 10th.
    Race: My baby will be white, I don't necessarily think that's a race...but I'm not 100% sure of our backgrounds.
    I LOVE not having a period!!! and hearing the heartbeat. :X
    I hate the symptoms of being pregnant: nausea, vomiting, constipation, insomnia, loss of appetite, heartburn, headaches.
  • Age: 35
    Location: Seattle
    Due date: May 29
    Gender: Boy
    Race: white ( German,Russian,French,Irish)
    Excited to have a new baby
    Not being able to do crap( work, shop,fun things,sex) have high bp so I cant do much and also I have no energy.
  • @angieface where at in seattle? I used to live in kirkland :) I was thinkin about moving back out there prolly lower queen ann area.
  • Age: 28 will be 29 on may 12th :)
    Location: bay area, ca
    DD: Sept 29th
    Gender: Baby Girl name Nyla
    Race: im cambodian, hubby is black,white,native american
    Best: feeling her move
    Least: back pain, im always uncomfortable :(
  • @angieface also we have the same due date :)
  • 25
    Mobile AL
    25th Dec
    W, B, &NA
    tie between backpain and gentle sex
  • 27
    Honolulu Hawaii
    Trying for baby #3 cross fingers it will be a boy. Lol
    I have a 9yr old daughter that is going to turn 10 in Sept. And my son is 2yrs old that is turning 3 in Aug.

    Mix plate is what we are lol...
    Filipino Japanese Chinese Portagee (lol) Spanish white (English Irish Scot)

    I loved being able to feel baby kick or turn. It was just a awesome feeling to know that u have a blessing from above
  • 18
    Phoenix, az
    May 17
    Mex american
    Love: feelin her move around inside me...
    Hate: heartburn, not bein able to sleep, n this annoyin false labor pain
  • Age: 31, first baby
    Location: Pennsylvania
    Due Date: July 1st - 2nd
    Gender: Girl
    Race: Caucasion
    Love: The extra attention & pampering I get, feeling her move, & knowing I'll finally be a mommy.
    Hate: Still have morning/all-day sickness, the shots I must take in my belly of blood thinner, the swelling in my feet, legs, & hands, not sleeping well, horrible heartburn, being tired all the time, etc.
  • Age:25
    Location:New Orleans, La
    Due Date:June 8, C-Section June 1
    Gender:Baby Girl :)
    Babys Race:Black
    Favorite:Finding Out It's A Girl
    Least Favorite:Morning Sickness/No Sleep
  • 30
    Oct 15 (but hoping Oct 4)
    Find out next month!!!
    Irish, German, Sicilian, Ukrainian
    Fave thing- hubby playing and cuddling my tummy
    Least fave thing- morning sickness!!!
  • I'm Harmony, 24, and I live in Kansas. My due date is November 15th and we won't know baby's gender for a few more months yet. My baby's race is white/Hispanic (my fiance's mom is from Spain, his dad is from Mexico), but our older daughter, Jada, age 4, is white/black (her bio-dad is not in the picture but my fiance has stepped up and is raising her as his own). My favorite thing about being pregnant is the bond I already have with the baby growing inside me. My least favorite is definitely the heartburn! :)
  • 20 but 21 next month!
    Southern indiana but born and raised in cincinnati
    June 15 but not gonna make it that long
    Fav thing....How he is just like his daddy
    Least fav....How he is just like his daddy! Lol
  • 25
    central ohio since I was 6 yrs old
    sept 2-6 (not expected to make it to aug 30)
    We find out monday morning what we r having
    Italian, german, and irish...but all in all caucasian
    Least fav thing: not being able to do the heavy lifting I am so used to doing (working out, moving our kids' upstairs,etc)
    most fav thing: seeing the heart, joy and excitement in my other kids' faces :)
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