Personal Questions, Dare to try?

edited April 2011 in Just for Fun
Lets share! I'm new and would like to get to know some of you
~ Age
~ Location
~ Due date
~ Gender
~ Babys Race
~ Favorite & Least favorite thing about being pregnant.

I only ask the 2nd to last because I would like to met others that have mixed children also :)

*24 years young ;)
*Born & raised Southern Californian <3
*My due date is Sept. 12th/15th
*I find out in a week what I am having!!!! YES! Can not wait to buy my first thing for my baby :)
*Black & White
*My absolute favorite thing is feeling the baby move and kick, my least fav. is not being able to do anything even little things, like laying on my stomach.


  • 27
    Sept. 23rd
    Find out Tuesday
    Fav is having this baby
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  • edited April 2011
    Las Vegas
    I get my way :)
    morning sickness :(
  • 22
    June 20th or June 30th (dr keeps changing his mind)
    Fave: my son is super excited to be a big brother and feeling her move
    Hate: baiscally all the annoying symptoms- like no sleep, heartburn, backache, urination
  • -20.
    -may 18th.
    -baby boy.
    -feeling my little prince move around inside me.
    && getting little to no sleep now :(.
  • edited April 2011
    30 - first baby
    Pennsylvania by way of Kentucky
    May 31 (she's big and i feel coming early)
    I love being pregnant and feeling her squirm. I miss sleeping comfortably and being able to lay on the couch and watch movies with Hubby. We don't fit together anymore and it hurts.
  • 21
    May 29th
    Im having a girl :)
    (Me)irish/native american &(bd) italian/polish
    Fave thing is seeing my boyfriend be so happy and just having my baby
    least fave thing is that im so uncomfortable any more
  • 23,ky,Halloween,black/white,love feeling baby move an hate being so nauseated.
  • 22
    richmond indiana
    due sept 16
    baby boy, hes number 3, we like to say wer forming a bb team
    he is italian, and black
    i love being pregnant, i love just bout evrythng about it..the sex is amazing.. least favorite thing is my broken pelvis an i have terrible leg cramps :)
  • Nice to met you ladies :) @Maggie awll I am not looking forward to being that far along I am more than sure I am just going to feel like ughhh come out already !
  • 24
    Cincy, Oh
    Oct 15
    Don't know gender yet
    Love my baby bump
    Hate hip/back pain
  • Heyy friend :)
    Oceanside, california
    August 19,2011 :))
    Black n white(british n irish)
    Hmmm... Favorite feeling my bby move also nd knowing I'm goiin to b a mommy soon of a beautiful mixed bby girl.. Least fav: hmmm... Not being able to drink I guess... Or not being comfortable sumtimess ..
    even though I can't complain. I've had the easiest pregnancy do far !! :)
  • @Breewashington08 Do you and your SO have trouble agreeing on names??? Me and Mines do, well we decided on a girl name but we can't come to terms on a boy's making me feel like I hope it is a girl then!
  • @inloveee i just miss laying in bed comfortably with my husband. Poor guy twists and turns all night long just to help get me comfortable and it doesn't help at all
  • @naliibby2 I cant wait to see what she looks like! Its going to make me sooo much more anxious after you have her cause Im going to want to met my baby so badly :) Were almost exactly a month apart
  • @inloveee no we havent had much trouble deciding. he got to name our other two so i warned him not to even dare try to take over this baby's name. lol we r having a boy his name is tre'vyn lamont :) all 3 of my kids have ther daddys intials
    wats ur girl name?
  • @maggie ah thats sweet :) I am actually the one tossing n turning like no other and my man is a butthole and hogs the bed, blankets..UGH, I could kill him sometimes!
  • @breewashington08 I prefer not to say until it is official :)
  • Yayyy :))) I know their both gunn n gorgeous!!!

  • ~ Age--20 (21 in june)
    ~ Location-- hawaii
    ~ Due date--august 9
    ~ Gender---female
    ~ Babys Race--- black hawaiian filipino french apache english
    ~ Favorite & Least favorite thing about being pregnant. --fav- having baby... least fav- back pain
  • 29
    due 9/5, but probably delivering 8/29 (scheduled c-sec)
    boy #4
    favorite part-I get a baby at the end! :)
    least favorite part-everything else.
  • 25
    Las Vegas
    September 20th
    Favorite: being treated like a queen most of the time by my husband
    least favorite: being hormonal ggggggrrrrrr
  • 24
    Find out Monday
    favorite thing is People are extremely nice for no reason and least favorite are the random tinges of pain that come out the blue.
  • 23
    perth, australia
    21 may
    white ozzy babe lol
    fav. nearly done
    least fav. pain, nausea not being able to see bub
  • @inloveee when wil u find out what ur having so u can tell me lol? its so exciting!
  • @jalem...You live in Hawaii?!?!?! I am so damn jealous! I am hawaiian, portugeuse, indian, german and french and my babydaddy is african american. The girl name we choose is hawaiian, I love it! And I wish I was there where you are!!!!!!! lol
  • @breewashington08 I find out on Thursday I believe what the sex is, well they better effin tell me or Im having a bitchfit! haha
  • lol @inlovee i wasnt expecting them to tell me last week cuz it was just a routine u/s but he put his butt right up there an had his legs open, its crazy how obvious it was lol.
  • 22
    August 24
    White and Puerto Rican
    Favorite- feeling my baby move
    Least favorite- Damn hormones, men don't understand, never will.
  • 29
    Ontario, Canada
    technically Oct 3rd but was told today he'd deliver anytime after Sept 19
    won't know until May 17
    white and first nations
    fave thing: ....
    least fave thing: can never get comfy
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