shoudld i terminate

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
The doctors told me I could never be pregnant. Well I guess they got that wrong. Me and my boyfriend of 2 years used no protection through our entire relationship. Then we broke up. I had rebound sex with someone 1 time and I am now pregnant. I don't want a child right now. And definetly not with this person. But considering my issues I'm torn. Me and my ex are also working on our relationship right now. He knows nothing about the pregnancy. What should I do. I'm lost, I just keep crying. I don't know what to do


  • That is a tough one. Did they ever state the cause of you not being able to concieve. Also way about adoption if you tet
  • Or iv treatment x
  • I have a hydrosalpinx is my right tube...and cysts in my left. So he said that I could never conceive naturally. But my uterus was OK. So I could do I.V. but I got pregnant naturally. And it couldn't be at a worst time and a worst situation. So I'm just confused
  • Well god clearly felt that you would make a wonderful mommy and granted you a miracle of bringing life into this world. Try talking to your ex or current boyfriend and try to make him understand. He may surprise you. I have a friend who cheated on her bf with his friend and got pregnant from the wrong guy. Her bf ended up wanting to work it out with her and raised the baby as his own.
  • I think you should give the baby a chace at life even if you cant be a good mommy right now. Look into adoption. :p
  • I did adoption with my fist born. He was adopted by a family that couldn't have kids and he has the life I wanted for him. I got pregnant by a guy that wanted to have nothing to do with me or our baby and he gave me 200 bucks to go have an abortion and I went and spent it on me. Lol adoption is defiantly an answer. god gave you that baby for a reason and I dont believe it was to kill it. I wish you the best and hope this helped.
  • you have to take care of your miracle...only you can decide what the best decision is...i will tell you this much. im not an extremely religious person but I do believe that there is an all loving god and that you would never be given anything you werent strong enough to handle...whatever you choose. youll get through it.
  • Babies are blessings. It may be hard to see now how this could ever work out but you'll will. This baby was given to you for a reason. Wait and see what it is. Working things out with your ex...this is a true test here. If he sticks around fr this one you've got a real winner on your hands. Good luck. KEEP YOUR BABY!!!
  • Butler, from personal experience I need to say that termination has lasting negative consequences on the mother, both mental and physical. Ultimately, you are the one who makes that decision but I cannot urge you strongly enough to keep your child. The father may be a piece of work but YOU are the mother and YOU have wonderful and valuable gifts to offer this child. Even if one of those gifts is offering your child to another family.

    I have a sense that you don't consider adoption an option and based on the emotional turmoil you are dealing with, I suspect you don't feel termination is an option either.

    The bottom line is, there is nothing on your plate that you can't deal with if you are focused including raising a child alone. And it sounds like, of your many concerns, one of the most pressing for you is whether or not your relationship will weather this storm. This is alot for a man to swallow but, if he can't work through this with you, consider all of the other things he may not be able to handle.

    The bottom line is you, your child, and your future. If you took the men out of the equation entirely, what would you choose?

    Support is out there often in the form of friends who are currently strangers. One good decision at a time, you will find that all the support you need will fall into place.

    I apologize if I sound like I'm on a soap box but I've been through the fire and I want to help others avoid getting burned. Best of luck. Take care.
  • edited January 2011
    That baby didn't do anything to deserve not to have a chance at life. Don't let your mistakes lead to that babys termination
  • Babies are blessings. It may be hard to see now how this could ever work out but you'll will. This baby was given to you for a reason. Wait and see what it is. Working things out with your ex...this is a true test here. If he sticks around fr this one you've got a real winner on your hands. Good luck. KEEP YOUR BABY!!!
  • Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry. What a horrible choice to have to make. I can't offer you advice based on personal experience, but I can tell you that my sister had an abortion 5 months before she got pregnant with her eldest child because she didn't know who the father was. She has never fully forgiven herself for that decision. I'm not saying that that will be your response, but there are definite emotional consequences, even if they're not permanent. If your goal is to keep your ex from finding out, there's a very good chance that he'll find out anyway as a result of how emotional it may be for you. I don't think that you should be guilted into keeping an unwanted pregnancy, but I do hope that you can look at your situation honestly and not base your decision on not wanting to ruin your chances of rekindling your relationship, because that could easily lead to you making a decision you'll regret. Good luck, honey, I wish you the best. <3
  • When you terminate a pregnancy that child becomes the children of the disappeared. There will never be a child exactly like the one you are carrying again on this earth. This child will never be all it could have been. If I was in your situation I would be considering if you terminate this pregnancy what if u can actually never have children again and this is the one shot u get. I wouldn't take that chance. Keeping a baby shouldn't be about some guy. Everything happens for a reason
    This baby was given to you now and in this circumstance for a reason. You just need to figure out why that is. You have been given a gift: )
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