do you even care or are you just that lazy? (rant)

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
So I'm looking through the posts and I'm thinking.... some of these posts are ridiculous. "Could I be pregnant?" "Will I know the sex at 25 weeks?" "I have this thing coming out that has blood and its green...ewwww" so here's my question, I know books cost money and so to read the books could be understandable. But there's the internet tht explains all you can imagine and there's the library where you rent books and such. Are people so lazy they cant read about this growing thing in their body called a baby? Or do they just not care? .....ok..I'm breathing now...rant over


  • Y I made my post yesterday lol
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  • Dng. Sorry. I ws trying to prevent that. I'm on my phone and it only goes so far back
  • I think they just want feedback from actual people, not some random website.
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  • I think people just want human reassurance.
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  • I don't see anything wrong with asking questions. What's this site for anyway? Just for ppl to post about their day? Now the "am I pregnant" questions I understand. Or "how do I know if I'm pregnant" but other than that, I love reading questions and answering if I can. Let's me know I'm not alone sense this is my first. :)
  • I so agree!! Am I pregnant?? I don't know um take a test!! Should I call the dr?? If you're asking that question YES!! Call your dr!! Geez!
  • I think they just want to hear from women who have been there before. I have a shit load of books that tell me what's going on, but I still enjoy other peoples answers to my questions.
  • We get one of these threads posted everyday too, lol. But seriously, the search feature on this thing is lousy and most people just want someone to talk to about it (and tell them everything will be fine). There's no rule that says you have to post.

    If you want to talk about annoying...why do we need a sticky thread every time the mods leave their computer to pee?! That drives me crazy.
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  • Wow ladies some people may feel like they are overreacting. I hate that this is a thread. If you are too busy to care or think its a stupid question move on. These ladies do not need to be called out. I worked ob/gyn and l&d for yrs and you would be amazed at the things you would expect people to know that they ha no comprehension to for many reasons maybe their education level is not to a degree of understanding for a book or website or never had a parent that explained things or came from an abusive home. Believe it or not abused people are less willing to ask a professional for help in fear of this sort of reaction. Implications of ignorance. That's really unfair to them. So you are a confident educated individual that isn't intimidated by a book, website, or medical professional Good for you. If you have nit been in these ladies shoes you cannot begin to understand why that ask you a question opposed to other resources. Never the less there ARE NO DUMB QUESTIONS ONLY DUMB ANSWERS AND PEOPLE. Shame in you, now there is going to be someone who is concerned IR confused that is going to be embarrassed to ask in fear of reticule by the other members. I'm not trying to be ugly or rude I'm just saying I have been very fortunate to meet ladies and girls that are from different walks of life to give me a better understanding to EMPATHY...not sympathy
  • I like hearing answers from real women who can actually talk back to me. As far as the "multiple posts about the same topic" complaints, most people feel their situation is different from someone else's and still want their own personal reassurance. That's what this site is for, after all. ;-)
  • Some people like to just know what others experiences are and if they may have gone through a similiar thing to feel comforted and not alone. I am sure many of us here dont have many or even if anyone around us in real life that truly know what we are going thorugh or feeling....! compassion :))
  • plus theres multiple posts of someone complaining about this same thing you posted but you dont see none of us making a post about this post lol
  • Are u kidding me? Sorry if we first timers are not as experienced as you. There is only so much that a stupid book will tell you, unless you can find me a book that talks back to you. What most of us are looking for is someone we can RELATE too. Someone that can say "no, you usually can't find out the sex at 15 weeks but I did!" Why r u even on here if u can get all ur answers to your questions by book?
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  • @singlemomofsoontobe3 go write a book @excitedforoctober I couldnt agree more.
  • Thank you sweety I may. @stilltrying
  • @Stilltrying Thank you! :) Didn't mean to be rude, that just got me really heated! X(
  • edited April 2011
    Also I just want to point out that here the answers are from a real person based on the EXACT situation you have described not a biased general (most times worst case scenario) as Google generally is. I have to stay away from Google and things if the sort because its a search engine you can't explain details to a search engine so it catagorizes things where one symptom (say nose bleeds) could be caused my more hormones causing inflammation in the nasal cavity... Or extreme it could be a tumor up in the nasal passage or near the eyes. Google can scare some people by giving then wrong information to something they "googled" in a general sense. Makes some such as myself think the worst and freak over nothing which is why we wanna hear from a normal person WHO HAS BEEN THERE. Hey hun its no big deal its normal dont fret.
    I would like to apologize for all if us young/first time/inexperienced mothers who don't just know all.
    But by the way another point if we didn't care in the slightest, would we really make a post about it to TRY TO GET ANSWERS????
    BUT you have a good rest of your pregnancy.
  • @richjen24 The baby is good! My us on Tuesday showed a great hb and a kicking baby. Thanks for asking
  • edited April 2011
    People are annoying... I stopped posting mostly because of dumb discussions or ones repeated so much blah! There is a search option use it! Then people want to wine that no one comments on their post boo hoo ....
  • My professor once told me that for every queestion that seems dumb/silly there is 10 people who want to ask it and only one person brave enough to open up and ask. So thanks to everyone who asks those questions. This is my 4th baby and I have tons of questions and if there is one I can answer I am happy to answer it. Whether or not it had been asked and answered before shouldn't matter. We are human looking for some kind of human relation/connection. So I say we keep askng and moms who post a rant like this can ignore them! Then everyone can be happy!
  • @ExcitedForOctober I agree I mean I'm a second time mom but I didn't know about the website pregly or I've never experienced a 2nd csection or any of the new things with this sons pregnancy was smooth nd this one is completely opposite nd I like. Tht we can post w.e we want or w.e question we have nd a actual human mother has the answer because they can relate so I definitely agree with u
  • @iris_y_juan Thanks! :) I don't understand why people that feel like they know everything are on this forum. Its a forum for the purpose of pregnant women helping pregnant women!
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