Nervous bout second baby being treated differently
so I was searching 5 pages too see if there was a thread n didn't see any so here it goes. My son is 6 yrs old. I haven't been with his dad since my son was 4 mos old and my husband and his family treat my son great. My son sees his dad maybe once or twice a month but is closer to my DH, they do so much together and at out wedding in jan my hubby and son both made promises and we all entered the marriage together. My DH is now co-coaching in tball n signed my son up. Needless to say I love our lil family life. My daughter is due in june and both DH and my son are really excited but I'm afraid that she'll become the star and my son will slowly slip outta my DHs affection since he still sees his dad. Am I being irrational or does anyone else have similar fears. I grew up in a binuclear household and there was always a difference between my step siblings n my brother and me. I just love that my son is so accepted with my hubby, they hug and laugh and have their secret codes I don't want it too end but want out new baby to fit in. how to ensure you won't treat your kids different.
Sorry so long
Sorry so long