what do you say to your mom who wishes death on ur unborn child

edited April 2011 in First Trimester
Yall she pissed me off fareal!!


  • Wow.....that's beyond hateful. I hope things get better.
  • edited April 2011
    You wish nothing but the same for her... With a genuine smile.
  • I wouldn't have anything to say to her. Why did she say that about your baby?
  • I wouldn't say anything just stay away from her. Other people will tell her what she needs to hear. That's awful
  • Yall me and my mom never got along...I try to be the best I can towards her do everything...but she tells me she hates me n wish I would die as well...n I stay with her n I'm trying to find another place to live...n with my younger sister she can't do no wrong n were lik a yr aprt...
  • How old are you don't say anything to her just get out try a shelter being that u r pregnant they will help u. I dont know how you feel bout government help but get on housing listen they can help you I know this cause I was being molested startin at 12 to14 by my mothers fiance it turned to rape 14 pregnant they can help u do it b4 the baby comes u never know wat she might do to ur child
  • You cut her outta your life and move on, that's what I had to do and I'm happier!
  • I hv two kids already this my third one...n she said he dis own this one n refuse to claim it because of the color of its skin...sick right?? My other two or light skin..but my bf I'm with now is dark...n his trying to help me get outta here...no apartments available right now...
  • I honestly thank all u guys for ur advice It's really making feel a bit better...I don't really tlk to ppl n jus discuss these problems...mainly bottled up..Thnk yall ( :
  • I know she's your mom and all but i would. Kindly tell her to fuck off
  • Ur definitely right...but she won't...I kno her...shell try to do ne thing to hurt me...when I moved to Houston 6 months ago she acted as if she missed me n my kids so much...she wanted to send things right?? Oh yea right she got the address n called CPS on me n sent them where I was...
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  • And I want...I can't its my own mom tho...
  • U need to cut her out your life. Treat her like a stranger. Family will do u worse than people on the street. Don't have contact with her ever. Then u don't gotta deal with her BS.
  • I would forgive her because it takes a evil person to say that...After forgiving her I would cut her out of my life!!!
  • Pray for her hun. I'm sorry that your mother of all people would say and do such terrible things,so pray that she opens her eyes and can see how evil and wrong it is for a mother to wish anything harmful on her children. She must be a sick woman.
  • Being a mother who lost a child i would b OUT RAGED! I wouldnt wish that on my WORST enemy and seeing that thats ur mom jus ignore her! FORGIVE her but NEVER FORGET!
  • Thnk Yuh
  • Ya know I had a friend who said I hope your baby dies well 3months after he was born he was killed. I would ignore her with all you have no yelling name calling just move ignore a mother who loves their children don't say that
  • Oooh no that's terrible...I'm sorry to hear that honestly...
  • edited April 2011
    Thats all horrible stories. I feel so sorru for all who have fone through that ( @snookums,@azmom). I would cut the lady out of my life.. she is gonna make your life so hard and stressful. I would never talk or answer her again..best thing possible for your fams.. goodluck girls
  • My mom did the same to me. Told me she hoped he died. And now whenever she looks at him and says "your granny little baby boy... your everything to me. I love you so much.... my baby boy"

    It really pisses me off. I just want to slap her in the face.:/
  • you dont say anything to her again and I would not alliw her in the babies life.
  • It's sad for ur own mom to say ish lik that fareal...it pisses me off I hv to c her everyday I wake up n its the same ish
  • ohhhhhh man. my MIL said that to me when i told her i was going to love her sone for the rest of my life and we will have beautiful kids and she wont ever see them and that was after she dragged me out of our car and tried to beat me up and before i got pregnant. lol needless to say when she found out she had her husband my FIL tell my hubby that they love him as a son but will never consider me or my child part of thier lives. i said its not like i wasnt expecting that even though i did SO much for those ungrateful bastards. but you gotta look at it this way- IF you can get her out of your life as much as possible then do it. do anything and everything to ignore her and focus on the positive in your life and know that youre the good person and no one can bring you down :)
  • Kill her wit kindness. That is so mean that is her grandbaby yu don't du that. I jus don't understand nd mayb we never will understand y ppl r how they r.
  • I would say... see ya later and tell her that her grandchild is as good as dead to her BC she will never be a part of his/her life. That's the nastiest thing anyone could ever say and unless u see a huge change if heart, I wouldn't want That around my child. Her lose. I'm Sorry, Hope things get better!!
  • wow !!!! i mean my momma isnt thrilled about the idea of me pregnant but she would never wish that on her grand daughter . thats so hurtful . i would definitley cut her out of your life . as hard as it may be you and your daughter dont need to be around that negative energy or negative attitudes .
  • I will cut her out of my life for good because I don't kno wat this woman may do...n I deal wit this ish everyday I c her...I mean EVERYDAY!!! Yall making feel a whole lot better coz i wanted to hurt her...
  • Hi there ! I would say for the sake of your unborn child, let it go and forgive and pray ..your heart is the nest of all emotions and keep it healthy by staying away from hatred and negative emotions .easier said than done I know but try to divert your attention , as much as your unborn child doesn't deserve that @ all remember that people tend to say things they don't mean when they are outraged by their own emotions ... and remember she is your mom....that's never gonna change ...though if for your own peace of mind you may want to stay away that is fine but she will still be your mother ...hatred is not the answer to all these especially @ a time when you are carrying a little love child :)
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