will he change? comments and oponions please

edited April 2011 in Second Trimester
Well the father of my child is truly a jerk. From the moment I found out I was pregnant he's been giving me the cold shoulder. He hasn't told his mother or anyone nd he said he doesn't want to have anything to do with my baby or me. He texts me sometimes. But not about the baby. I really care and I'm hoping he changes before the baby gets here. What do you all think?


  • I agree he's a jerk.
  • You can't force him to want to be a father, or to care about you or the baby. I think you should probably move on. :(
  • @mom60511 I have never been hurt so bad and @magcaw I agree with you and I've really been trying but its not as easy as I thought
  • Yes, I think you should move on and find happiness elsewhere.
  • I've been there. I moved on n I think that was the best thing for me n my baby. He doesn't come around n my son is happy wit my husband. I think that u should of move on. N if. He changes his mind great if not is his loss nit urs u will be a great mom to ur baby. Good luck n congratulations
  • @blueberrysmom thanks. I'm taking in all of you guys comments and I appreciate them. But do you think that one day he may step up and say I want to take care of my child? Doesn't have to be in my life but be in its life.
  • No, I wouldn't expect it to be easy, especially with pregnancy hormones to deal with as well. My sister went through this with her son's father; he was a total douche for the whole pregnancy. He married a nice woman, and then he played dad for a while until they divorced. It's been 2 years and he's really not involved anymore. :( My nephew was an accident and his dad really didn't want to be dad (nor should he have been, that's at least one thing that he knew about himself). The whole thing got a bit easier for her once the baby was here and she had him to focus on instead of the father.
  • I hope that's true. Kids need loving parents. Good luck, hun!
  • @expectingbabynumber3 thanks and congrats to you also and I love your story.. glad everything turned out wells
  • Ur welcome n thank you. Hope things get better for u. Cheer up n live ur life.
  • I say wait til a one or two months after delivery. Maybe he'll come around. Maybe he's just scared. This is a dramatic change in his life and he probably doesn't know how to handle it. If he doesn't step up then, then you'll have a good reason to leave and not think about "what if"
  • @jcmommy that sounds more like me because I want to at least wait a minute to see if he changes or reality hits him...
  • Yea, at first my husband and I were just "friends" til I found out I was pregnant a few months in. He was the biggest jerk ever! I stuck it out because I wanted my son to have a "family". We're now happily married 5 years later on our 2nd child. It was not an easy road but all relationships take a lot of work.
  • No probably not. Id just try and move on.
  • @jcmommy we are on the friends note as of right now.@leggs2011 its difficult
  • Very. But I HATED it when my mom would go back to the same guy and get hurt. Like sheesh he's not changing mom.
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