september mommies have much weight have you gained??



  • im due 9.21 &n im barely shown ive gained 9lbs &n every1 tells me im super tiny I luv it!

    Doctor tells me im very lucky
  • None yet, infact I lost 2lbs, lol.
  • Due Sept 1st & I've gained 10 pounds!! But I originally lost weight at the beginning.
  • I'm de sept 3 and haven't gained any this is my second pregnancy with another baby boy
  • I'm due September 7th and I've gained 30 pounds I'm 20 weeks today but I started out at 90 pounds n now up to 120 so still have a lot of weight coming in the future but just hoping not to loose it when the baby is born
  • I'm due sept21
    I'm dwn 9lbs
    (was dwn 13lbs; I gained 4 recently yay..)
    1st bby & its a girl :X
  • First pregnancy, due sept 1st, 21wks, ive gained 15lbs but its all in my butt n boobs, n sum tummy
  • Due date sept 21 and gained 15lbs...I CAN'T STOP EATING omgggggggg
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  • edited April 2011
    @Stephanie. same, 15lbs omg
    I'm scared. I'm fina stop eating; & I just got my appetite back..
  • Due sept 26. I gained one pound. But just lost a pound and a half from being sick.
  • Ill beh 20wks tomorrow and ive gained 8lbs...
  • Im due Sept 26 & already gained 6lbs!! :O
  • Due sept 3rd now and lost 7lbs..but was really sick with this first pregnancy I gained trying to avoid that.
  • I've gained 15 lbs due Sept 12th. Its cuz I crave pizza.
  • Im jealous.. Im 21 weeks and have gained 15 lbs. Ugh.. This is my second. I gained a very shameful 100.with my first. So Im doing better lol :)
  • I'm 18w 4d and due 9/20, so far I have gained 8lbs but I hope that I will b able to keep an better eye on my weight! If I gain as much as I did with my daughter I will reach 200 lbs and that is a weight I don't want to reach! Lol hope it doesn't go up that high but as long as the baby is healthy, that's all that really matters to me!
  • Due sept. 30th. Im 17 weeks and now up 8 pounds. I look alot heavier though.
  • I'm 19 weeks 3 days I've gained round 19 lbs already! Nutritionist says I'm 4 lbs over what's recommended
  • I have gained abt 11 ibs....its all belly!
  • edited April 2011
    Due sept 20th and as of april 25 19 weeks I've went from 125 to 133
    8 lbs. Don't look prego in work clothes though
  • Due 9/5, starting weight 124lbs & a B cup.... Now I'm 146lbs & DD... 22lbs so far, lol
  • I'm due September 29th with my first baby and so far I'm down 15 pounds. I was super sick the first trimester so I barely ate and when I did eat I threw it up =/ but I'm showing and able to eat now =)
  • I'm due Sept 12 and have only gained 4. My doc told me to eat more fat and calories. Who says that? Lol. I'm chubby but not overweight.
  • Due 9/22 and I gained 8lbs
  • Due sept 24 gained 15lbs.
  • Due 19th sept and gained to much :( haha but i have a cute bump so it all worth it lol
  • I am due september 2nd and I've gained maybe 2 lbs so far. Im already into my 5th month too! No worries though.
  • Im due sept 15 and have gained 8pounds
  • Due Sept.25 gained about 12lbs first baby. It's belly and boobs they went from B to big D I was in shock lol
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