hair color

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
I'm noticing that my hair is getting darker. I have red hair and its usually pretty light but its getting darker. Someone even asked me today if I dyed my hair. Is anyone else experiencing this.


  • No one???
  • i had someone tell me that mines getting darker but i dont notice a difference..
  • I don't know. It has never happened to me
  • No hair color change but I swear it looks like a rat's nest lol.
  • I dyed my hair black at the beginning of this pregnancy. I noticed that it was washing out really fast so I had it dyed again later. Due to hormones your hair does all sorts of crazy things. It may get thicker, thinner, darker, or turn funny colors. It is normal. Does that help?
  • @hunybee I've noticed it the last couple weeks but today was the first time someone else has noticed and mentioned it.
    @tishj330 lol mine gets greasier a lot faster now which is annoying.
    It didnt happen my first pregnancy. I'm just hoping that it goes back to normal after I have baby.

  • @krazymomofadrian thanks! I wish it would get thicker. but I loved the natural color of my hair so I hope I get it back
  • I had ppl ask me if i dyed my hair and i havent in months... i think it is normal..
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