Any positive pregnancy tests for due date of October 15 yet?



  • Im going to test either tomorrow or monday.....dont know yet!
  • Ya, I think it did. I'm only bleeding a little bit, but I have horrible cramps. I've been crying all day because I wanted to be pregnant so bad. And my normally super wonderful boyfriend is being a jerk asking why I let myself get so upset. :( i was just so sure I was.
  • Aw, so sorry! I think we do get ourselves worked up about stuff sometimes though....but they also do not realize that we feel all of the stuff. Keep ur head high!
  • Hi everyone, I've been having extremely sore breast so I decided to taken a test and I got a bfp! It really surprised me, I thought it was impossible for me! We had been trying for months. Now I'm scared and nervous... I'll be due the 17Oct.
  • Im 7 weeks pregnant.Due on Sept 24th and i had two periods during my pregnancy so far..I have many symptoms now and my baby is great..I found out I was pregnant when i went to the ER for major cramps due to my period and during a sonagram checking on my ovularies i saw my tiny little baby..They did blood work and a pelvic exam as well as a pap smear and yes im deffinately maybe it is just going to take a while for it to show up..its taken me forever to get pregnant since my last miscarriage but this one is doing much better than my last pregnancy..ive already gained 12 pounds in my 7 weeks hoping for a boy.But Goodluck and Baby Dust to all..
  • Well looks like my first won't be an october baby! :(
  • I'm 13 wks along. When I first started taking test it was about 5 days before missed period. I even took one the day after my missed period from dollar general & it liked to be negative. But I remember a couple days before hand I had period like cramps where I swear I was going to start my period all day but nothing. Also my bf & co workers said they could notice a change in my mood. Well the day after my period was mused a few hrs after I took the cheap test from dollar general I decided to buy 1 more. I went to wal mart bought a first response & took it in there bath room. I was so excited it was positive. I made all the women that were in the bathroom look at it to confirm. I called the bf from parking lot & my mom. Once I got hone while using the bathroom I seen the dollar general cheapo hanging out of the trash basket, I looked at it and now it was positive must have just needed a ready long time turn positive. Well that's my story, may it all give you hope .
  • Hi, I'm new @ all this. I'm from Texas, and according to this app I'm 4weeks 1day. Due October 15th. I am freaking out, been married for 10 1/2 yrs n had insemination done in January for the very 1st time. I got a blood test last Tuesday n came back negative. My pms felt different n the Dr had said to wait to test until Saturday, couldn't wait n started testing @ home since Thursday thru today. All came back positive -light lines @ 1st, now very dark lines. I'm worried because I still have nagging cramps on my sides and some lower back pain (but I usually get this with my period any way). I need to make an appt tomorrow n am worried about ectopic pregnancy. Any clues? Thanks
  • Ya u prob will for a few weeks I did everytime I'm due oct 1with baby 5.
  • Oh, thank you so much! Congrats on your new baby.
  • Hi, I'm due 15th October, trying not to get too excited tho as got to hav early scan cos had an operation last week b4 I found out was pregnant. Hope everything will b ok.
  • I am due oct 15. Having very light spotting today. Hoping everythings ok ;/
  • excited2ndtimemummy I hope everything is okay :) I'm due on 13th October, I can't wait for my 12 wk scan to see everything is ok
  • Got a positive test result four days before missed excited to be a 2nd time mom.have been really sick so far and horrible horrible bed now as we speak
  • i am due october 6 last one i misscarried on valentines last year..i pray all goes well with this one. i am highrisk...
  • I'm due october 15th.......had 2 miscarriages before this but I do have a healthy 4 year it is possible :) good luck to you!
  • I'm due Oct 15th
  • on this app im getting due date of 15th ocy as well. done 2 test both neg but still no af so just waiting now xx
  • I took the early pregnancy tests starting 4 days before missed period and all were negative. Then on the morning that I would get my period it came up positive so I took the more tests after that and they were all positive. My due date is around the 15th
  • I took a pt on the day of my missed period and it was negative. I took one 4 days later because i was concerned and it was positive. I am confirmed pregnant by a blood test now, and due October 15 :) I am really concerned about making it to my first appt because I had a miscarriage in december at 8 weeks. Currently 5 weeks 4 days. Good luck all!!
  • I got 4 positive tests 6 days before my missed period. Now it feels like i've known forever and I don't want to tell too many people just in case.
  • @hopefulmommytobe................any news girly??
  • My due date is the 15 of oct
  • I took a test on Sunday and I was a faint positive. I find out on Monday if I am pregnant and if I am I am due October 20 the. This would be my 1 St baby.
  • I took one at 6 days baf and negative - then took about 4 more between then and now - all negative - my af is due tomorrow but sensing any signs of starting... so im waiting to take a test again till saturday... just want confirmation.
  • Positive test on Saturday. According to callendar I am 5 weeks 3days and have a ultrasound scheduled for next thurs. Had a miscarrige at 8 weeks last time keep your fingers crossed for me ladies!
  • Oct 18 th! :)
  • I am due october 15 :) i had a miscarriage at 8 weeks last december so i hope this little one hangs on and my husband doesnt get deployed. Good luck all!!
  • edited February 2011
    Helloo I took a test the day before missed period (Feb 9) and it came out positive! My due date is Oct.16. I had a miscarriage before so this will be my first..I'm soon nervous
  • I am due oct 15th. Congrats!
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