why is my bf watchin porn everyday!?

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
Ok ladies i hope u can help me but im so bothered my bf and babys dad looks at porn everyday and i just moved in here but we spend everyday together and he has to look at it once im at work, and this is like bothering me so much i had said somethinto him a while ago and he said its normal and all guys do i. I got over it then i found out how to look at the history on his labtop n see that its literally daily he looks at it, id have no prob ever once in a while but everyday.. im 7 months prego n im not sure if i have a right to be mad or what.. but we still have sex not as much tho i duno if its bc of the pregnancy or not. But even when i wasnt he told me a while ago he watched pron Lpt.. anyone else have this issue???


  • Porn alot*
  • My bf watches porn. I dont really have a problem with t
  • With it. But everyone is different tho. Porn is like a fantasy world for men. Id rather him watch porn than actually go out & cheat.
  • Sounds like he has an addiction. If he was doing it before your pregnancy it probably has nothing to do with you being preggo. Like it was said before men live in a fantasy world.
  • yeah my bf watches it to, I personally don't have a problem with it. IF he was hiding it from me that would be a problem but I knew about it since we have been together
  • My bf used to watch it a lot too before I moved in, he still has his "movie collection" but he hasnt watched it since I moved in 6months ago, sum guys r jus diff, but I would feel uncomfortable if he watched it a lot
  • I don't see a prob with watchin porn especially when sex has died down a little bit! If its bothering u then mention it but as long as he's only being romantic with his hands then let him have at it lol
  • My hubby is more against porn than I am! Lol. So I don't really have the problem, BUT in a past relationship I did & it DID bother me. I wasn't pregnant or anything (im sure if I was it would've bothered me even more), but... it definitely didn't make me feel good... it actually turned me off from him lol. And I told him that! I made him feel pathetic for it lol & that kinda helped. But he used to tell me the same thing, 'all guys do it', my husband now will tell you definitely not all guys do it. Id say just tell him how it makes you feel, if your sincere about it he should listen to you and stop just to make you happy. He shouldn't NEED it & it shouldn't be hard to give up... if it is then tell him he has bigger issues lol.
  • I watch alot of porn I don't see anything wrong with it. Alot of men watch porn and there's nothing a girl can do to stop it bc if ur not cool with it he'll do it behind ur back. I've rather know then be lied to.
  • im sure its a maj thing i know it would annoy me as well but thats only cuz i feel so insecure about my body while im preg not to mention ive been having nightmares about him leaving me preg with two kids.. i no thts the preg .. but i dont like porn and he sas im a prude.. just try not to look at the history.. and if u do dont worry bout the porn.. worry if its some other woman or something it really is a man thing
  • All guys don't watch porn...it would be a red flag for me if my husband watched it. Especially if your guy watches weird porn or barely 18 porn
  • @blissmarie23 don't take this question the wrong way I'm just curious what do u consider weird porn?
  • Like fetish porn, orgies, s&m, animals. Not two people together. Or drastic age differences.
  • I say that only because once you start looking at stuff like that guys want to try it so sometimes they will go outside their relationship to meet that fantasy need. I have several friends who work with women who were sold into sex slavery and it comes from a demand of men. Usually who start innocently enough looking at porn. But it ends up with them wanting to find new things. Sometimes the new thing isn't good for them.
  • Clearly not all men fall into that it's just something you would want to take note of
  • @blissmarie23 See to me that's not weird (except animal porn super gross) and my bf and I r very far in age so that's also not weird to me either but I guess eryone is diff and everyones level of comfort is diff with porn. But I have to say some of the fetish stuff is just interesting to watch but not to get off on and I know people that just watch it bc of that. I worked in the porn industry (on the business/administrative side) and I guess I prob have a diff view then most people.
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  • One of my friends used to work in the porn industry she was in the process of buying a brothel and had a house set up for girls who came in from Europe. She felt really empty after years in that lifestyle and her life turned around. She is in the process of starting a safe house to rescue underage girls who've been sold into prostitution.
  • @blissmarie23 wow that's awesome its def gotta be way more fulfilling then having a brothel. But I think porn is very diff then prostitution but that's a whole diff discussion topic
  • Very true. BTW...Your pic is really cute!
  • @ashleywiini16 my hubby is the same way especially since he did look at it when he was like 18 for like 5 mo or so. I think it creates not curbs desires for someone or something else.
  • okay now its my turn to sounds dumb.. what's s&m.. I know there is a song about it lol but what is it?!?!
  • @mrs_wainright its kinky stuff you do in the bedroom like whips and chains bondage etc
  • I dont worry about it, unless its bad porn, i.e. Kiddie porn, or under 18. That would b alarming to me. I like watching some porn. Maybe he has other issues that make him hide it? As long as hes not cheating, i c no harm.
  • ahh alrighty then!! like freaky stuff. well I know my hubby on occasion watches porn but as said above I would rather him do that then another woman and he has done it the whole time I've been with him. I find it easier to just not look at his phone and be nosey. we have a pretty good relationship these days where we cantalk about most anything so he will yell me if I ask!!
    but I do refuse to make love to h of he does it right afterwards cause that defeats the purpose lol
  • @theswift4 I agree with you 100%... everyones different, but I just don't feel the need at all & am happy my husband doesn't either. I feel like its just lusting over something or someone else. I prefer to be the only one my hubby lusts over lol... & vise versa!:)
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  • Men are going to masturbate, that will never end. If your man tells you he doesn't he's def lying lol, men are also visual so porn helps with that. I like porn too but it in no way changes how I feel about my husband and It would never make me cheat and most men are the same. I wouldn't worry about it. masturbating is a stress relieving, person thing that hurts no one. Porn just facilitates that in my opinion. I wouldn't look through the history on a computer tho, I feel like that is wrong because it shows a lack of trust and also is kind of like a parent checking on a child. I know I probably have looked up stuff I wouldn't want anyone to see (lol) and it would be a violation of my privacy. If your worried about it I would just ask but at the same time you might as well leave it alone. If you have a good relationship then no need to cause drama where none needs to be ya know? I don't look through my hubbys phone or anything because I know its a womens tenancy to decide things are worse than they are, I've done that a time or two and feel like it just causes strain in a relationship. Just talk to him, I'm sure everything will be fine :)
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