Anyone working graveyard?
Just wanted to know if any mamas to be out there working 11pm to 7am, and if you are, how long are you planning to work until?
I'm almost 25 weeks and still working graveyard full time.. Thank goodness they are letting me sit now. (I work at a hotel)..I also have 3 kids at home, one is in school full time, one goes twice a week and my 18 month old.. So I don't sleep, but rather, I take naps here and there.... So I'm always tired... Don't know how long I can last!
I'm almost 25 weeks and still working graveyard full time.. Thank goodness they are letting me sit now. (I work at a hotel)..I also have 3 kids at home, one is in school full time, one goes twice a week and my 18 month old.. So I don't sleep, but rather, I take naps here and there.... So I'm always tired... Don't know how long I can last!