Circumsized or not



  • I didn't get my first son circumcised just because I was 16 and very uneducated about anything and everything. I am now pregnant with my second son and I'm not going to have him circumcised because I don't want them to be different. My pediatrician said it is solely up to the parents and their believes. She also said as long as you teach them to keep it clean you shouldn't have any problems. But my thoughts were even if they are circumcised they still need to know to keep it clean or even if its a girl.
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  • @angieface your percentages are worldwide, including third world countries, and countries. If you want specifics about where you live, you have to google it. Here it is for others from the States:

    "United States

    Statistics from different sources give widely varying estimates of infant circumcision rates in the United States.

    In 2005, about 56 percent of male newborns were circumcised prior to release from the hospital according to statistics from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.[13]

    Data from a national survey conducted from 1999 to 2002 found that the overall prevalence of male circumcision in the United States was 79%.[14] 91% of men born in the 1970s, and 83% of boys born in the 1980s were circumcised.[14] An earlier survey, conducted in 1992, found a circumcision prevalence of 77% in US-born men, born from 1932–1974, including 81% of non-Hispanic White men, 65% of Black men, and 54% of Hispanic men, vs. 42% of non U.S. born men who were circumcised.[15]

    A recent study, which used data from the Nationwide Inpatient Sample (a sample of 5-7 million of the nation's total inpatient stays, and representing a 20% sample taken from 8 states in 1988 and 28 in 2000), stated that neonatal circumcisions rose from 48.3% of males in 1988 to 61.1% in 1997.[16]

    Figures from the 2003 Nationwide Hospital Discharge Survey state that circumcision rates declined from 64.7% in 1980 to 59.0% in 1990, rose to 64.1% in 1995, and fell again to 55.9% in 2003.[17] On page 52, it is shown that the western region of the United States has seen the most significant change, declining from 61.8% in 1980 to 31.4% in 2003.[17] Part of the decline in the western region has been attributed by some experts to an increasing percentage of births to immigrants from Latin America, who have been shown to be less likely to circumcise than other parents in the U.S.[18] A 2008 study of male infants born in the US state of Maryland found that the circumcision rate was 75.3% based on hospital discharge data files, and 82.3% based on maternal post-partum survey data.[19]"

    I stole that from Wiki

    Did I get my first son circumsized? Yes. Will I get my second? Yes. Is it religion based? nope, nor is it cleanliness based. Daddy has his done, every male in my family has their done, same with my husbands. I think it looks better, personally, and in this general area it is the "more accepted" appearance. I actually watched it happen, my son cried for maybe 30 seconds and was then fine. He had zero issues nursing afterwards, and within 2 days or so you couldn't even tell he had it done. Zero infection, zero complications, there is no reason I wouldn't do it again.

    Again, its your personal choice as to whether or not you elect to have it done. Don't let anyone convince you to do it because god says its good, or because of this or that, there is evidence pointing and swaying both sides of the argument.

    Choose which one you want.
  • There are just ALL kinds of infections... NOT only for that area... I did not circum my boy. He has no problem. I believe its a personal choice... Oh Im sooo glad im having a girl... i was worried about that situation if i had a boy...
  • @angieface
    Yeah sorry I didn't take offence to it, I probably came off that way but it was just cause I wanted to explain myself a bit more so I wouldn't offend anyone.

    Good point about girls, they HAVE to be taught about keeping themselves clean or risk of infection. So why is everyone obsessing over that fact with boys?
    I agree with Kristi, the second he's born, you'll just know!

  • @ Michelya
    No that was not based on worldwide statisitcs. It was also printed in the New york times this last August about American newborn circumcision being down to 35%.And I do agree with you about the personal decision dosent really matter what other people are doing....

    Educate yourself with current info....and take into account personal beliefs as well...every parent only wants whats best for their children.
  • edited February 2011
    ladies stop the fighting seriously that's not what these forums are for like i already said its all up to babyboy2011.... who gives a crap what's an acceptial appearance or what the hell the web says or not...if any one agrees with me then comment the word AGREE ONLY
  • I didnt have my son circumsised and hes fine I think its not nice to cause them pain when u dont have to
  • It's nothing more than tradition at this point. I didn't particularly want my sons to be circumcized, but my husband is and I left the decision up to him. If he hadn't already had a son who was circumcized, I would have pushed harder for ours to remain uncircumcized. It's not medically necessary, so in the end it comes down to your desires. Once you have one who is, tho, I think that sets the stage for any other boys you have. Personally, I know more boys who have been circumcized, but I also know quite a few who aren't. I'm sure it's similar in your area unless you live in a devoutly religious or traditional community, so either way your boy isn't going to be alone. Good luck deciding! :)
  • Absolutly,my husband is not circumsized,and it causes a lot of problems,he has rips after sex and your also more suseptible to bacteria. He wishes he was circumsized
  • Dear ladies. Please do not cut your babies!!! It's an American thing I guess, we barely have any cut boys here. But if you actually watch your baby being will tear your heart out. Nature put it there for a reason and its important for sex as cut boys have much less feeling.

    Before you circumcise your baby boy remember it was done in the 1500's to stop little boys touching themselves.

    Watch a show called 'Penn and Tellers bullshit!' About it then decide.

    I don't mean to offend any one here, but this is my beliefs.

    Let your boy decide if he wants it or not for himself when he's older.:-)
  • Um watching my husband deal with pain after we have sex,because the skin around his penis ripping,is worse than a baby dealing with pain for a couple days,it will be better for your son in the long run
  • I watched my son, and my younger brother get cut. it takes about 10 seconds at most, there was little to no blood, stop being a drama queen.

    its your decision, don't let the drama queen exaggerators on these boards convince you why its right or wrong, its personal preference. educate youself.

    here is a nice article of the pros and cons of each.
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