My cervix is closed tight and I am tired of carrying this ten pound bby and every one gets annoyed if I say something about my bby I'm just tired and depressed
80% of first time mommy's go overdue....its not abnormal and its very safe to go a week to 12 days past. But I would be very much expressing my opinion if I were you. It is perfectly safe to be induced or have a c-section at 39 weeks if there is a big baby, high blood pressure, etc.
I read that cerebral palsy cases are almost always caused by an indistinguishable event, that they think some are caused by illness or injury postnatal but they now believe most are caused by prenatal event or lack of care. Idk though I just remember reading it on my news app a few months ago
If you're not up for that, I'd call your OB and beg to get your membranes scraped.