

  • my lil one was movin around the whole time it ws so cool. my other two kids were always sleeping at the time of u/s..
  • My baby is Miss Lazy Diva! She just lays still sucking her thumb and the other hand on her head! (probably twirling her curls)
  • @HonestlyHopeful maybe we are the proud future parents of future or some really hard headed kids lol. Mine kept doing the opposite of what the tech wanted too!
  • This is the year of active babies! Lol.
  • my baby was squirming allll over the place...then right b4 the u/s was done it put its hand up like it was waving...then it put both hands to its mouth then threw them out like it was blowing me kisses! bye mommy till u see me in august! i got it all on video! way cute!
  • My 1st ultrasound he looked like he was tap dancing...lol and when she said its a boy. He later raised his web like making a muscle! :) too cute...just like daddy!
  • His hand....! scary typo :o
  • Babies have so much going on inside of us...I guess their bored & have 2 entertain themselves! Poor things!!! Lol
  • During my ultrasound my daughter waved lol it was sooo cute
  • Mine too! My son starts jumping like he scaring somebody...lol my u/s lady was like "wow he's full of drama." Lol
  • At my first u/s at 9 weeks, it was filping and spinning, and had its arms out looking like it was ready to box. At my 13 week, NT u/s it never moved off its butt the tech tryed for almost an hour and it never did anything but move its arms a few times, but I did get a really cute pic where it has one arm behind its head and the other on its belly, just like it was kicked back relaxing
  • Lol my lil mama be acting, lol 1st one she was waving and she wouldnt stop moving if course until we were trying to find out the sex she had both legs closed knees up and wudnt budge, lmao it was too funny, at the one i had yesterday she had both hands crossed up over her face an then it looked as if she started tlkng to her self lol her mouth was moving open an shut an she kept making hand gestures an touching her forehead and shaking her head lol too cute i lovee her so much
  • Had another u/s yesterday & my baby was tryin 2 suck her toes & kept rolling around lol I love my baby!!!
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