@huneybee.. Im sorry to hear that u aren't going to breast feed. And I hope u change ur mind because its a great thing for u to do. But sweet heart ur body is going to change no made if u do or don't breast feed . Just to let u know breast feeding helps u lose your baby weight also...
@Demarkosmommy if you can nurse longer, my best times were the babies I nursed for 12 and 20 months. They start weaning out night feeding and then usually the midday one, leaving night and morning. I believe the 3 I nursed for more than a year all gave up the night one first and only wanted the morning til they just stopped on their own. I wish you the best of luck I love the close bond of nursing, oh and not having to get up at 3am and make a bottle!
im breastfeeding for sure .I think its weird people drink other mammals milk (lol.except.i.love cheese) I guess there is such thing as soy formula lol but still might as well give my baby what I can for free. Plus formula smells yuky and it makes babies smell weird.lol ive done both.. 1st kid bf for 3mo milk dried up from rapid weight loss and new pregnancy...2nd kid bf for 3 days he hated it and my 11month old was quite busy and I got frustrated and gave up...3rd kid bf fo14 mo he never even had a bottle once.
I have bf for my 3girls but was only able to make it 8wks w each of them. Would love to b able to go longer this time, am hoping to talk w a lactation consultant and see if there is something that i can do to make it longer. I enjoy the time that i get to spend w them that way.
I am going to breastfeed. I've been reading up on it so I know kinda what to expect. The benefits far outweight the negatives. My mother and sister are very supportive and both breastfeed as well. Personally, I want what's best for my baby and even the formula cans state that, "breastfeeding is best". It doesn't hurt that its free either. Hope I didn't offend anyone!
It couldn't hurt! Eating healthy is good for you anyways and will help you drop pregnancy pounds! The lactation consultant will probably give you a list of what to avoid. @rachelrodriguez229
I plan on BFing and pumping. :-) @jojo30 I know that even grocery stores around here have breast milk storage bags in the baby section. Maybe you could go to your grocery store and look? Or check where you shop for baby around the same area that you might find bottles and/or pumps, nipples, pacifiers, etc.
well , i don't eat alot when i'm not pregnant, i eat like once a day, i'm never really hungry.... but since i've been pregnant, all i do is eat lol, i know i problem will go back to eating once a day and snacking on little things here and there, so thats why i'm concerned if breasting is best for my baby?
@rachaelrodriguez229 My baby sister was like you before she got pregnant. She BFs now and even though she doesn't eat the same as she did when she was pregnant, she does eat a little more than she did before she was pregnant. My appetite honestly stayed huge after delivery, LoL. So I don't really think you'll have to worry - worse comes to worse, ask your OB/Midwife for their professional opinion.
I didn't breast feed my last 2 or the one now. I am in the prossces of drying up. I am wearing shirts that button up so during feeding I open them and place baby on my chest (only at home)I got the tip with my first in a German hospital so my hubby would have a way of bonding during feedings as well with his shirt open.
I will be be formula feeding. If you hold the baby while you bottle feed, you will bond just fine. You have to take breastfeeding statistics with a grain of salt, because historically, moms who bf are also mom's with better access to healthly food, better education, and healthcare. And you can't just assume that because you breastfeed, your kid will magically know everything. Most of my friends bf, and my daughter talked earlier and knew her letters and numbers sooner, because I taught her those things and make sure that she watches educational tv and encourage her imagination. You can bf til they're two, but if you set them in front of spongebob all day, its not going to make a difference.
Anyway, there are a lot of good reasons to breastfeed, but if you can't or don't want to, it doesn't mean your kid is ruined. And choosing to breastfeed doesn't instantly make you a better parent....one friend I had would be holding her baby, bf in one hand, and smoking a cigarette with the other...
@laura536 I love your post! Even though I have been determined all three times that 'breast is best', it's great to see someone make it clear that both breast and bottle feeding can equally create a bond and that you should not have to feel guilted into doing one or the other. Bravo! :-D
@laura536 that is absolutely horrible (about the smoking) it would b better to formula feed baby. Otherwise u might as well give baby a puff to. I also hope u didn't take what I said wrong the reason I felt like my son was cheated out of a better chance is cuz he was born so early & he would have been living off of me if he wasn't born yet.
I plan on breastfeeding as long as my baby wants too. My sister introduced me to The La LEche League and their book, The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding, is a must read, even if you end up not breastfeeding. The hospital I work at and plan on delivering at is an accredited Baby-Friendly hospital, so they promote breastfeeding and even have lactation rooms on all the floors for nursing mother's. So when I come back to work, I can pump or have my husband bring the baby here for feedings and not be stuck doing it in an empty patient room or in the bathroom.
If my lil man is willing to work with me I willing to breastfeed... I breastfed my daughter excusively for 9m till I got pregnant again n my milk started drying up on its own *no pain*
@theswift4. No, I don't even remember your comment, lol. I never felt comfortable breastfeeding, but most of my friends did, so I felt peer pressured to try. When I couldn't get my daughter to latch and I just felt so awful and uncomfortable, I felt so guilty! Like I was going to mess up my baby. But the stress was actually interfering with bonding, and I will never forget I was holding my daughter and trying to latch her and we were both sobbing and my husband comes in with a bottle and he's like this is ridiculous, just feed her. And I've never felt regret that I stopped breastfeeding, and we bonded so much better after I could just focus on my baby. So I think breastfeeding is wonderful if you can make it work, but I hate how sometimes people act like feeding your baby a bottle is the same as giving it rat poison. Or the opposite, where this particular friend acted like she was the best mommy in the universe, because she breastfed, but smoked like a frieght train. The food you feed your baby is just one part of a million things that determine how smart, clingy, thin or heavy they will be, so if you can't breastfeed that's ok...sometimes, there isn't a lot of support for formula mommies online.
@laura536 great post about bottle, yeah i bottle feed my daughter and son and they came out just fine. it's just its my last and it was on my mind, but i have to think about it too cause ,i''m not a very health eater. i try now that im pregnant. lol. i;m going to speak to my doctor about it for more info
@rachaelrodriguez229 I wondered about the healthy eating too! I don't have anything against breastfeeding and if you think it's for you, you should totally go for it. I just hate for anyone to feel like a failure if it turns out breadtfeeding isn't for them. Its always good to at least try, so you know for sure! : )
I don't think there is anything wrong with bottlefeeding, you have to do what feels right for you, and if you can't get your baby to latch, then give the kid a bottle! LOL I want to breastfeed because it will help me and my baby. I was bottle fed as well as my 3 sisters and we are all perfectly normal, smart, individuals. I am choosing to breastfeed because I want to btu if I end up having to bottle feed, that is what I have to do. No judgement.
@ laura536 Yeah I used to feel like hiding the fact that my son was a formula baby cuz everyone around me bf & some moms were talking about a rash the baby had on his mouth & his diapers (this particular mom only bf for a mo & had to supplement the whole time) I said something about my son having rash from drooling. & she was like no it's cuz he is a bf baby (& she was my friend). She was very rude about it. Well now I nurse my little girl & everyone around me where we moved to formula feeds there baby & @ 1st my daughter was hungry all the time & fussy they kept telling me maybe she's not getting enough u should supplement. Well now 10 mo later that same person said my daughter is to fat & I feed her to much I should ask her Dr if its ok that she is so fat (she is only in the 50%). But my daughter weighs more then her 2yr old. So I have had it from both sides. I'm going to bf this one cus that is what I'm more comfortable doing. Even though I know its going to be the same thing with my si
Here @jojo30 this site might help
Anyway, there are a lot of good reasons to breastfeed, but if you can't or don't want to, it doesn't mean your kid is ruined. And choosing to breastfeed doesn't instantly make you a better parent....one friend I had would be holding her baby, bf in one hand, and smoking a cigarette with the other...
I also hope u didn't take what I said wrong the reason I felt like my son was cheated out of a better chance is cuz he was born so early & he would have been living off of me if he wasn't born yet.
@theswift4. No, I don't even remember your comment, lol. I never felt comfortable breastfeeding, but most of my friends did, so I felt peer pressured to try. When I couldn't get my daughter to latch and I just felt so awful and uncomfortable, I felt so guilty! Like I was going to mess up my baby. But the stress was actually interfering with bonding, and I will never forget I was holding my daughter and trying to latch her and we were both sobbing and my husband comes in with a bottle and he's like this is ridiculous, just feed her. And I've never felt regret that I stopped breastfeeding, and we bonded so much better after I could just focus on my baby. So I think breastfeeding is wonderful if you can make it work, but I hate how sometimes people act like feeding your baby a bottle is the same as giving it rat poison. Or the opposite, where this particular friend acted like she was the best mommy in the universe, because she breastfed, but smoked like a frieght train. The food you feed your baby is just one part of a million things that determine how smart, clingy, thin or heavy they will be, so if you can't breastfeed that's ok...sometimes, there isn't a lot of support for formula mommies online.