september mommies doesnt september seem so far??



  • Im due sept 29, hurry up sept lol but im actually enjoying my pregnancy :) I love rubbing my bumb lol
  • I am do sep 9 and some times it feels fast and some days a slow.......
  • Hi everybody well im due sept 26 and I dont find out what im having untill may 9th I hope its a boy
  • I think its going soooo quick to September, due 20th, and so excited to find out if we are having a girl next week :)
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  • I'm due with twins on the 30th but chances are they'll be here early September...either way its 5 looonnngg months. I hope summer makes it go by faster
  • edited April 2011
    I'm due September 15th. :) I just found out two days ago that the little ball of energy thatsconstantly moving and kicking me is a boy and I was exactly 20 weeks yesterday. September does seem far away but if the last half of my pregnancy goes as quickly as the first it should seem to be here in no time.
  • September seems forever away im due the 23rd I find out sex monday but it still seems forever away!!!
  • im due sep. 9th with my baby girl and it feels like time was going by so fast until i found out the sex it started going by so slow maybe because were anxious.. lol i cant wait to hold my babygirl!!
  • 9/18 uggggghhhhhhhhh hurry up this will be a long summer I thank god I have a pool gurls I feel yall pain
  • 9/22 could it go by even slower got a long summer ahead of me...n still dbt kno the sex yet gotta wait 3 whole wks
  • Ugh Yes! ... not much more to say. Lol. I just hope these next few months fly. :-W due Sept 26th.
  • Woop woop sept babies :X
  • We find out the sex of the twins Monday, the 9th...sooo excited:-D
  • I just realize we are all half way there just 20 or less more weeks too go!!!
  • I'm due Sept 15!! :) can't wait to hold my baby boy! :X
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  • I'm due 9/11 its draging on forever. And I still can't buy anything for the baby either cause I still don't know sex. It blows
  • 20 weeks for me on Friday to!! Super excited! But some days it does feel like the time is draaaaaaaging by..
  • Just found out monday may 9 im having a boy
  • I totally agree because it seem like forever to me....... Im hope my DD don't change until October we I go find out the sex of my back because my doctor said I look like I'm a week behind my DD is September 30 and hope for a girl
  • Im due sept 1st, I think n hope it flys by :)
  • I'm due Sept 21but I already know she's going to be here early just dnt know when so I'm feel like time is flying its already june and I dnt really have anything can't wait for baby shower I think I'm going to move it to july from august for the same reason
  • I'm 26 weeks, due Sept. 5. As of right now I have 99 days until my due date. It feels like a lifetime away. Everyone I knoe who's previously been pregnant is telling me it will fly by, it just really doesn't feel like it. Soon enough, though, September mommas.
  • I am a September mom because I am having a c section a week before my due date which is Oct 6th!! its too far especially during the summer UHHHH
  • YaY! I'm Due september 15th but being induced the 10th to make sure my hubby will b there.just hope she doesn't sure like I did and come 2 months early :/ july seems just waaaay to close that way:p
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