sore back

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
Im on my 3rd pregnancy but havent had this before, im 12wk 4days and have constant back ache, i take painkillers all the time for it but they dont help, i live in the uk and its 4.30am just now so as you can tell its even stopping me from sleeping, any advice? X


  • are you able to get your hands on a heating pad? Maybe even try a warm bath?
  • Ive had really bad back aches too, lower and especially upper.. tylenol doesnt do anything for me so i mostly just suffered. Sometimes it helps to lay flat on the floor for a while to help re-allign everything. I also have my bf crack my back for me. But im actually goung to see a chiro this week. Hope yours gets better, tho i can honestly say mine got worse :/ im 29 wks.
  • I think i might try a warm bath before bed tomorrow night and see if that helps, as for a heating pad i dont know where i could get one, thank you
  • I have back aches too I take tylenol pm
  • These work really well and you can make one right now. It's called a rice sock and you can heat it up for your back:
  • Oh no worse doesnt sound good :( i feel like waking my bf up as hes lying snoring next to me lol,
  • I like to hog up all the pillows and create a recliner in bed complete with lower back support and elevated feet. It can help me at least lay comfortably. Or I lay on my side with one pillow under my head, one in front to prop me up, and one between my knees for lower back support. While laying down, try to create a straight back with perfect posture.

    I also have this cream stuff called Sombra that I got from my chiropractor, it's like a natural Icy-Hot. Super menthol ointment that makes you all tingly and helps relax the muscles. I call it Miracle Cream because it makes my sciatic nerve pain tolerable or even disappear.

    I get a lot of muscle knots in my lower back that contribute to sciatic pain and restless legs. I make my fiance rub them out. It hurts like all hell and he hates to hurt me, but oh lord the relief of pain is sublime. Ah may zing. Especially when he uses the Sombra to rub it out. Ooohhhh man!
  • @Jwigs do you know if i can get your miracle cream in the uk?
  • Check out any sort of natural healing centers. Or you can look online. Here's their official website, so you know what to look for, but you can't order it there -

    I saw it on Amazon, too. Anything much more than $13 usd is trying to rip you off. If you Google it, you can find places selling it. I haven't tried the roller ball applicator, and I don't know if it's as effective as the tub of cream.
  • Thats great thank you, well im gonna try get some sleep now as i have the girls to get up to soon, fingers crossed i'll manage to get a few hours lol x
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