Am I the only one showing at like 5 weeks? lol.

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
Yesterday my roomate had her lil sis and cousin over and we were all having a good time then they just start laughin. An I was like what's so funny?! And my roomate was like she just asked if you were preggo b/c your showing already an that I might have twins lol. I wasn't mad or anything I'm proud of my baby bump :) plus I'm really small so its really easy to notice .I just was wondering if anyone else is showing this early?


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  • 5w is super early to tell even on a small frame. maybe there is a possibility of multiples! When do you have your u/s I'm interested in knowing lol! I guess it also depends on how small you really are. I could see if your 100lbs or less but I have a coworker who was about 115 and didn't show until like 8-10w.
  • I started out at 108lbs I am now 12 weeks and starting to show. :)
  • @babyluv8 I had a u/s about a week and a half ago but I was too early so they gave me another one this week on the 5th. By doing the math I know I'm around 5 weeks but jus so weird I'm showing so early. I'm like 120lbs I could be having twins since we have 12 sets on my moms an 10 on my dads LOOOORD! Hard to think about! Lol
  • Maybe its even triplets lol!
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  • Its probably bloating but you never know. I think even with twins thats too early. My bestfriend just had twins.
  • Lol it's bloating .... my bf said I was showing at 6 weeks. You'll have days where you go up and down. I'm 20 weeks now and as big as I was at 6 weeks and bloated.
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