Same sex parents
Hello, I just wondered what everyone thinks about same sex couples having a baby? Someone related to my husband is having one via ivf with her wife and i am not cool with it but not sure why, i think its mainly cos i know it will be bullied when older. What do you think amd i wrong to be concerned for the child?
Please watch this, its incredibly moving and accurate
and bear in mind that heterosexual parents make irresponsible choices on a daily basis that lead to their child suffering from childhood obesity, the results of which lead to some of the worst kind of bullying.
Children get bullied and picked on jus for having a unique name. I dnt think the fact that they have same sexed parents will increase the bullying lol kids r cruel no matter wat.
But i think ur rite. Maybe the problem is with that person in particular. In those cases u may never kno, some children r actually more understanding of the world than others. It depends on how ppl raise their kids. Personally, i dnt think any type of parents r better than another cuz like i said i kno a lot of man/female couples that shouldnt even be allow to reproduce lol seriously tho
@mommyforever thats good to hear especially from texas lol, not known to be the most acepting of that sort of thing!
Thanks all.
She pretty much raised my dad since he was 4 and she was 16 when their mother died very suddenly of an anurism and my grandpa spiraled downward after that. She married a man at 18 and they loved eachother very much. She has been infertile since she was a teen due to an accident an injury. This man wanted children. My Aunt and him divorced on good terms, so that he could seek a woman to give him children. Back then, in vitro was still in the beggining stage of being discovered, and not very available to just anyone. The risks and benefits were still unknown. So she move to california with my dad in tote and raised him till he was 18. She was still dating men. About 16 yrs ago she met a woman and fell in love. She came out to my family and the response was mixed. Her partner was not immediatley accepted by everyone at first. However, they stayed strong and eventually my family fell in love with her partner as well. My Dad and her are now best friends. She is such an important part of my family and loves my Auntie so much.
so, they had always wanted children but my Aunt is infertile, an her partner is, how should i say this- the "dude" and is not getting pregnat lol. There's more medical explanation with testosterone and estrogen being backwards and displays more male characterisitics even tho she is a female, and i don't get much into it.
Ok so about 5 or 6 years ago my aunts partners neice had her 4 boys taken away due to neglect, physical abuse, and sexual abuse on all 4 boys by her then boyfriend now husband.
i wanted to share this long story because i hope it helps u realize love has no judement and no preference. A parent isn't a Mom and Dad who can lay down an make a baby. its a person who has a heart only for their child. Sometimes a parent comes in a different form than what's "traditional". It doeznt matter tho. Nobody should judge. Because everybodys story is different. I hope this helps anybody who feels "weird" about none traditional parenting.
@ExcitedNewMom thanks that's what my goal is. I don't want to convert anybody just to open minds. And even if a gay couple just simply what a baby for that simple reason, more power to them! My aunts never imagined this i how they would end up with babies in their lives, it just happendd by gods will and they have never been more thankful.
My Aunt is now looking into fostering infants until they find a permanted adoptive family. But i told her she can get her baby fix by babysitting for me lol!
lmao n yes convince her to babysit for u, everyone wins!
I do have a question for you though and I'm totally just curious but how would your family handle it if one of your children was gay?
I agree that many people probably say theyre "fine" with homosexuality or same sex marriage because the pressure otherwise is probably overwhelming. which is sad but in the past 10+ years gay rights and awareness have become pretty unignorable and even for someone like myself who is very socially liberal, it can be overwhelming but again, I believe tolerance is key.
Here is what I compare it to.. my grandparents are total throwbacks, my dads dad was raised on the south side of chicago by a conservative italian family and his wife, a devout polish catholic.. that's pretty much all the history you need. Fastforward 30 years later, 5 kids and 26 grandkids.. One of my cousins became engaged to a black girl, he was actually one of the first grand kids to become engaged and get married so most everyone was TOTALLY thrilled! She's the best
To me, the challenges of different cultural backgrounds will build character and expose children to the wonderful gifts that come with having an open mind. Does that seem asinine to anyone else? I was just so blown away by that whole thing.. Now my cousin and his wife are the proud parents of an 18m old boy named evan who is, just incredible and happy! I really believe it's not any different than same sex marriages.