How far along do you have to be before braxton hicks start?

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
I am 33 weeks and have never had braxton hicks.. Well, at least had. I got out of bed and my belly as well as around my back got tight. Braxton hicks? Please help.


  • Sounds like it! They can start anytime, I had one during my 12 week ultrasound! You can be having them and not even notice. Sometimes they are painful. If your stomach is hardening for anywhere from 10 seconds to sometimes over a minute chances are they are braxton hix contractions. Don't expect them all to be the same or for yours to be just like other womens as they can differ greatly.
  • Mine started at 28 weeks.
  • As early as 12 weeks for some depends on each mommy
  • I just started having them last week. I'm 21 weeks.
  • Yea I read somewhere that its very unusual but can happen as early as 10 to 12 weeks.
  • U can get them at anytime..I've had them already at 22wks
  • My doctor told me they start around 12 weeks and every woman has them throughout their pregnancy. Some women just never feel or realize that they are experiencing them.
  • I'm 23 weeks and I have them all the time.
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