Crystal Light/Aspartame?



  • As a pregnant diabetic I can tell you artificial sweeteners are fine. Otherwise no diabetic woman could ever have a baby. Diet pops are even considered freebies.
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  • I drink crystal light and eat light yogurt with aspartame in it daily. Drink like 4 bottled waters with mio in it everyday. I had it all with my first (except mio) and will till the end of this pregnancy, 5 weeks left!
  • edited May 2011
    @onemoreontheway All I'm saying is research has proven the opposite and most artificial sweeteners are not safe. They can cause miscarriage if consumed regularly. If you're fine with that risk, that's up to you. But I'm certainly not talking any chances.
  • I'm beginning to think you can't do ANYTHING while pregnant. Every time I turn around they're saying not to eat or drink something.. Sometimes I wonder if they make it up as they go along.. "We'll recent studies have shown that breathing in oxygen can give you acumplicoxis, so you should avoid breathing or your baby can be born with 3 arms and a mohawk"
  • I'm stuck drinking water, but have to worry about leaving it in the car for too long, if it has flouride(sp) in it, if it's bottled where it REALLY came from..
  • edited May 2011
    there is a new crystal light pure with no aspartame and its soooo goooood :D
  • Flouride is a naturally occurring mineral and is safe to consume. Lack of flouride is detrimental to your teeth as well as other parts.
  • @AandK1031 Theres also studies that say it's okay to brush your teeth with, but not to consume it.
  • And the research I herd was that it leads to a 95% chance for premature birth
  • No aspertame is horrible I heard they even check babies for high levels of it! What they don't tell u is aspertame has an experation date and is. Usually outdated by the time u consume it. It gives me severe head aches...
  • I don't drink it anyways. I only drink filtered water or bottled water and most bottled water doesn't contain it except for kid's water.
  • edited May 2011
    I mean aspartame not fluoride sorry confused. :)
  • Also if its not shipped right and heats up to high it changes
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  • I think the crystal light pure is sweetened with the same ingredient as truvia
  • I found one called 100% natural. Its has a lot less chemicals in it. I believe its sweetener is truvia, but the main ingredient is lemon juice. Its a good alternative to plain water. My doc said crystal lite was fine in moderation, but I still switched the that other brand. On the down side, I have only seen lemonade and raspberry lemonade flavor. I found it at local grocery stores and walmart
  • I drink diet coke and my Dr says its fine. I gave up my red bulls, cigarettes, and bud light so I have to have some vise.
  • Because a diabetic knows nothing.
  • @luvbump I can only drink ozarka and I have to have it half frozen...but if its that way i'll drink it all day
  • @luvbump You have been cracking me up all morning! :)
  • @jenzoe1 I'm in one of them moods :)
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