Induce or epidural safe?

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Im 41 weeks pregnant was due on feb 5 therefore makes me overdue. Does anyone know how it feels to be induce or given an epidural? This is my first baby should I schedule to be induce or wait. I havent felt much contractions either so I know hes not ready anytime soon. Any advice someone experience this before


  • I would schedule to be induced and being induced is not bad at all you actually don't even feel them do it because the give you pain meds and pitocin to speed up labor after they break your water bag and the epidural you wont feel that either once the contractions start.
  • I was induced with my first 2 kids they give u an iv n ur hand and have the medicine go threw it 2 induce u and again had an epidural with my first 2 its not that bad and u will be greatfull 2 have it when the contractions get 2 3 minutes apart.
  • Does it hurt when they break your water? Do u have to get a c section if they induce you or give you an epidural?
  • U feel a little pressure when they give u an epidural then u get numb from the waste down so u wont feel pain when the baby comes out.
  • No they give u a c section if the baby is 2 big or complications. It hurt me when they broke my water.
  • Oh okay but your awake the whole time huh. I heard u can have back problems if u get an epidural, do u know?
  • Idk about that but yeah ur awake the whole time
  • Oh ok thanks, so how long were u in labor when u got induced
  • Being induced is just them breaking your water & giving you pitocin to speed up labor. Which you'll also get pain meds. & an epidural is just something to numb you from the waste down so you don't feel anything! Neither mean you'll need a C-section. C-sections are done for certain reasons. For example say baby is ready to come, but you're not dialated enough.. then they'd do a C-sections. That's just one example though! & some people even request a C-section! Id go ahead and get scheduled to be induced. You'll do great girl (:
  • With my son 15 hours with my daughter 5 hours
  • Aww thanks for clearing that up. I always forget to ask my dr important questions.. I hope so im so scared but anxious to have him already.. Back is killin me. But no signs of contractions
  • Oh wow 15 hrs with your son, I thought getting induced cuts down the labor time
  • A friend got a epidural they didn't get all the air out and caused her a lot of problems found out if u get bad headaches drink warm Pepsi threw a straw and lay down really work's great too
  • Ok hope they dont mess me up if I get an epidural. I would sue them!
  • Well get a huge bouncy ball and just sit and bounce up and down on it while watching tv.. or walk around your house a lot, even some cleaning.. maybe that'll get things moving! My friend went and got some taco bell, bounced on the ball, and walked & cleaned all through her house.. next morning, it was baby time!! Haha try it out!
  • Its almost midnight here and its snowing a lil. Lol ill just wait but thanks appreciate all the help
  • Welcome (:
  • Not really when they break ur water is when it starts 2 go faster
  • I was induced and I went fast only 6 1/2 hrs of labor. They couldn't give me an epidural due to fast progression but I got an entrithiqual. This time my dr says if my baby doesn't come early we will induce and do am epidural hopefully. My friends say epidurals are wonderful
  • My Water broke with both my kids, but had to get pitocin because I want getting contractions. They come on reallly intense really quick, so get the epidural asap. Contractions hurt worse than the needle.
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