But if you 2 1/2 months, wen someone asks how far are you , you not gonna say 3 . Yes 10 weeks is IN the third month but its not equivalent to 3 months according to pregnancy months
Your 2.5 months and your in your third month but you haven't completed it yet so therefore you can't say your three months cause you have only completed 2.5 months so far. People are making it more complicated than it really is
Really you guys are arguing about this?!!! Ask your doctor. It is not going to change your due date if your 10 weeks, if you're 2.5 months or if you are 3 months. It still remains the same. This is petty. Find something better tow do with your time!!!
This is gonna always be a debate no matter what. I just stop trynna calculate. So every month on the number that I'm due I add a month. On may 7th I will consider myself 4 month
This always seems weird to me too... even with weeks! Lol like when your 29 wk 2days... people say they are 30 weeks cause they are working on their 30th week & completed their 29th week. BUT... in months it just seems crazy because if your 12wk 1d and to say because you've past the 3 months you skip allllll the way to 4 months... a whole month is a big difference. When you say your 4 months I think most people assume you've completed your 4th month. I guess you could say your IN your 4th month... lol im confusing myself! Haha... I just give specifics... like 2 & a half months or 2 months & 3 weeks... or if im talking to another prego I go by exact weeks & days:)
@ashleywiini14 great way to put it,, @preggo123 if your 10 weeks , just say your in your 3month, everyone is excited to be pregnant... so its not a big deal if ur two weeks off... whos going to call u a lier. lol
@navywife your 4.5 your half way done with your fifth month but its not completed so therefore you can say your four and a half
For example ladies if your 2 weeks pregnant you don't say your one month prego just seems weird you say your 2 weeks prego or half a month sure your in your first month but its not completed Kk hope that helps
Wow! Lots of un-necessary drama on here..the girl asked a simple question, no need to get snippy ladies! LOL And who really cares...when someone asks u how far along u are they're not gonna analyze it! Just say however many weeks u are or however many months u think that is, its really not a big deal..and if you're really curious just ask ur doc..there's WAY too many hormones runnin wild on this thing! Hahaha
Ha wow ladies.. its this simple every 7 days=1 week. Yes? Yes. Okay so 4 weeks is 28 days. Yes? Yes. Okay so every 28 days is your pregnancy month that's what you go by not by calendar months. So 10 weeks is in between 2 months (8 weeks) and 3 months (12 weeks) equaling 2.5 but if its that hard for you simply say just over 2 or almost 3 be vague. In my OPINION you shouldn't consider yourself in your 3rd month till you pass 12 weeks. It's less confusing this way and still correct. Then you can say your 3 months and blah blah blah. See what I'm sayin hope that's easier to understand than some of the the confusing slightly sarcastic responses hunni @preggo123
Im 16 weeks and 1 day so im IN my 17th week. Im 4months but im IN my 5th month. See how that works? Its confusing. And I think I just felt a baby movement?
For example ladies if your 2 weeks pregnant you don't say your one month prego just seems weird you say your 2 weeks prego or half a month sure your in your first month but its not completed Kk
In my OPINION you shouldn't consider yourself in your 3rd month till you pass 12 weeks. It's less confusing this way and still correct. Then you can say your 3 months and blah blah blah. See what I'm sayin hope that's easier to understand than some of the the confusing slightly sarcastic responses hunni
To end this debate..here it is!