All i crave is coke!

edited May 2011 in Second Trimester
I know its bad but its all I ever wanna drink! And its super hard to drink anything else when coke is all I want!!!


  • Have you tried the caff free coke?
  • Haha Me too - must be a second trimester thing :-) I seek one once and awhile...
  • *sneak....silly phone
  • I crave pepsi all the time so I went and got the caffeine free one cuz the regular was giving me bad headaches but I still drank it lol
  • lol love it i just get major heartburn from it
  • I've been craving it, too.
  • The taste is so different with the caffeine free ones. Don't really like it! I know I drink way too much soda now but it's soooo friggin good =P~
  • My ob just said keep it under 200 mg daily and a can coke has less than 60.
  • Yeah I've been craving cherry coke and I just watch how much I drink and limit it!
  • I drank regular coke with all my 4 pregnancies and no problems at all.
  • So like no more than 4 cans a day maybe should be ok???
  • I would limit it to one. Just because you "can" have up to 200mg doesn't mean you should. It's still not good for baby. Plus that's 600 empty calories you'd be consuming plus sodium. Not good.
  • Boo that sucks! I get headaches if I don't drink enough caffeine too.
  • Yumm! Coke in a can is the best!
  • You should ask your doctor. I get migraines but I just take Tylenol and drink a can of Mountain Dew with it. Seems to help.
  • I crave Dr Pepper! Too bad they don't make that in caffeine free...
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