Has anyone been told one gender, then it ended up being the other???

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
I was told at 16 weeks that I was having a boy. I had my anatomy US at 19 weeks and now it's a girl!! Just curious if this has happened to any other preglys???


  • Ugh, that is my biggest fear!!! Happened to my SIL. Isabella was a boy!!!
  • I was so worried about that I had one at 16 weeks and they said boy...I went for my 20 week Friday and thank god still a boy! My husband would have been heartbroken
  • It happens a lot with being told boys and they end up being girls because their parts look the same as boy parts until around 18-22 weeks, but with a very experienced tech, they usually wont tell you unless they are sure. Make sure your tech saw the 3 lines and didnt just go by the, "oh I don't see a turtle head or balls so its a girl" thing. :) either way hun, baby is a blessing!!! Congrats!
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  • It was just a little disheartening to find out he is really a she. We really wanted a boy because we already have 2 girls, but we are just grateful that she is healthy.
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  • that happened to my friend. First it was a boy, then a week before the baby shower, it turned out to be a girl. I think the sooner you have the more chance you have of being told its the wrong gender.
  • @Mama_Kat-that would be super!! Can it change to-threeprincesses
  • I had mine done at 15+6 weeks and it was a boy, but I didn't believe it untll my 22 week scan when it was still a boy. @ mama_kat was right about the girl parts being swollen early on and getting them confused with boy parts.
  • The tech told me she wouldn't tell me unless she was 100% sure, but guess what?? Haha
  • Ugh, now I'm nervous about mine Friday... :( I'll be 1 day shy of 17 weeks!
  • @jellybelly1015-I'm sorry don't be nervous. Just tell them to make sure they are positive before they tell you. Good Luck!!
  • @jellybelly1015-I'm sorry don't be nervous. Just tell them to make sure they are positive before they tell you. Good Luck!!
  • This makes me nervous, i go to find out friday and ill be 17weeks & 3days! But i will have another on the 18th!
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  • Thanks, like I said, happened to my SIL too, just getting nervous to learn about little jellybean, hopefully they are confident
  • I had my u/s at 19 weeks and it was quite clear that he's a boy. But I got sick from laying on my back so long and she couldn't get all the measurements so I have another u/s on 5/13 when I'll be 23 weeks. I keep hoping that maybe the umbilical cord was sitting funny...but I know that that's not what it was. :)
  • Yes. 18 weeks 3 days girl. 26 weeks she decided to grow a penis.
  • I hope mine changes...doc says girl we are so wanting a boy.
  • @marysue & @jellybean1015 did they not see the penis or what was it that made them say girl???
  • My ultra sound appeared to show a penis, and even as bad as I wanted a girl, id be upset for it to be a girl now because I'm already getting boy items :)
  • @1_Bubbly_Mommy they didn't see a penis and but they thought they saw the labia. :/
  • edited May 2011
    Oh wow lol i been going on websites and everything to see...do you have us pics of what they thought was a girl? @marysue
  • Well my boy is still a boy from 17 weeks to 26 weeks. So I'm happy. I want another mamas boy. I don't think I can handle another princess. Although I like girly clothes better. And it would be nice to have a girly girly. My girl was playing with worms today and calling them her friends. And sad I made her return them to the garden. I'm glad I have my little girl and very happy about another boy.
  • Also at @marysue what position was baby in if you don't mind me asking?
  • I was told girl today and im exactly 15 weeks
  • I wish that would happen to me.... we both wanted a girl but was told it's a boy... :( got it done at 15 weeks from a place in the mall. I find out on the 11th of may when I get the anatomy ultrasound from my doctor. Hopefully it's that same week
  • my tech double checked :)
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