:-/ thats awful. Perhaps he's embaressed? Try talking about it if its going to eat you up. Hope everything turns out well. Whatever happens tho try not to stress.
Maybe it was an honest mistake. .how long you've been with him? I once called my bd by my ex name but we had short time together and thank the lord he didn't catch on cus he was drunk but honestly I was missing him or thinking of him never did. Cus im the one who left him witout any sadness or crying jus blurred it out ...anyways enuff w my ex and me. .talk to him and try to clear things out
my bf made that mistake only once but we'd been talking about his ex prior so it was more a sentence mix up than a name mix up he did introduce me to his family as his dads ex wifes name. they both started with an M plus now goin on almost 3 years. (may 19th is our anniversary) i kno just how bad he is with names
My dad and mom have been together forever, and he still sometimes calls her by his 1st wife's name for mo other reason than he is really bad with names... I go by all my siblings names... Lisa johnny Robbie Kenny Kevin Carlee Alicia... You know who I'm talking too!!! Um yeah dad,one of us... Could it be he is like that?