I am. For wat it seems lik I must of ovulatedyesterday or today so the waiting begins. Sometimes I dont like tge waiting tho. Cus I feel like I mske body believe I'm pg than I start geting all the symptoms...
third day of what is supposed to be my period. Still no cramping or anything that makes it seem like its going to come. Im getting a little anxious to test, but I have to wait til my fiance gets home from work tonight.
Me... Well I'm not sure. I've been taking ovulation tests for the past 8 days none have come out positive. But I have heard they don't work for everyone so not sure on my wait. Af should come around the 12th
I tested. Neg. It was a cheap test tho, so im getting another one (this time clearblue) tomorrow and testing agn. Im pretty sure I am because of how im feeling. And as of tmrw nite, I will have missed my whole period.
Meeeeee! I'm on the 2ww once again. Hoping for a Jan. Baby trying not to get my hopes up but being positive I will have a bfp & healthy full term pregnancy soon! Hoping so for u girls too that are right along with me! Baby dust!!!
One Week to go!! Feels like forever. I'm trying not to get my hopes up but it's hard. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow tho for something else so maybe I can get them to take a blood test. Hoping for lots of positives this month...baby dust!
@19andpregnant. I was late for a week and a half when I finally tested positive, turns out I was just odd and ovulated late...sending baby dust your way.
Good Luck! *******Baby Dust*******
@MommyofAngels hoping this is my month also!
Good luck ladies!