Really just don't know.
I'm really just at a loss at this point. I just went through a miscarriage at the beginning of this past March. I was 8 weeks. Now my period is late again. I have very sensitive nipples, increased appetite, major mood swings. My last period started March 12th. Haven't had one since. My boyfriend and I have sex quite often. We use the oh-so reliable pull-out method. But can I really be pregnant again? So soon? And is it possible for a miscarriage to throw your period off so much? I'm now 3 weeks late. Usually pretty regular. I just don't know. I'm honestly scared to take a test. I don't want to get my hopes up again. I'm still carrying a lot of emotional baggage from the first.
@Rl25 I'm beginning to notice a pattern, ha. Hopefully I am prego! I will def keep ya'll posted! Friday couldn't possibly get here any sooner!