still havent seen a doctor :/

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
Ahhh I'm going to be 13 weeks Friday and I haven't been able to see a doctor I have been waiting for my medical that has not come yet I'm starting to get worried I just want to hear my baby heart beat or something. I just wish my hubby would have put me on his insurance from his work. Has anyone else not been to a doctor yet?


  • With my first born, it took me a while to get to the doctor. But he was so busy, it took me awhile to get in. Have you found where you wanted to go yet? I would call and see when their next available appt is so that you wouldn't have to wait longer when your insurance do kick in. Some places will take you, knowing that the insurance is processing. You just have to call and ask. Good luck and Congrats on the baby.
  • @jcmommy well it only got worse I call medical today to find out if they were working on my insurance and they told me that they never received my paper work so now my case was canceled and that they don't have any appoments open until next month what a bummer so now my husband is working on putting me on kaiser from his work so I'm just praying i get on it quick. But I'm also looking around for some low cost prenatal care until then. So wish me luck.
  • My doctors office was able to get me in without insurance because medicaid here always retroacts back 90 days. I just let the doctors office know I was waiting for medicaid approval and they told me they would allow me 3 appointments until it kicked in. I'm not sure if it works like that everywhere though.
  • You could get a fetal doppler in the meantime.
  • with my first baby I didn't get the chance to go to the Docs until I was like 23 weeks prego...I was hard on me as well. But I had to wait for my insurance to pass...
  • Your probably fine. I had ti wait till i was 19 weeks because of medicaid so you might want to try applying for it
  • I was almost twelve weeks when I went to my first appt cus medicaid took forever but they told me alot of doctors dont like to take women over 12 weeks
  • @Mylittleluv_11 Yah I was also told some doctors don't like takings pregnant women after five months of no prenatal care because its a highrisk pregnancy.
  • I'm 18 weeks and I haven't gone to the doctor and I'm worried too :/ I think about my baby every single second but its because my insurance and my mom would kill me if she knew :/ help!
  • I was 20 some with my son. Im 12 weeks with this baby I've had 3 ultrasounds but not any normal visits im looking for a doc right for me plus im switching medical. Are u at least taking vitamins?
  • when my sis went for pregnancy medicaid they gave her an appt right there and then. But when I prego with my 2nd I didn't know till I was 32 weeks and by the time I got my first appt my dr was lk ok we're having this kid tonight. My family was in shock :O
  • Took me til my 6th month to finally be able to see a doc. I was scared crapless...but he's healthy and everything turned out ok. What they told me was..." there would have been nothing they could have done anyways healthy or not" bunch of jerks...just knowing I'm not carrying a dead fetus would have made me happy.
  • @cfa what state are you in?
    Because in AZ your able to schedule an appt. and go and do all the prenatal usuals. And when they send you a bill and when your medical is active it picks up that medical bill
  • @rachelmt21 Yah I just want to hear the heart beat and have a ultrasound. @texasbeauty2787 wow what a shock did your belly not grow I'm 12 weeks and in maturity pants.@mandac10 yes i have been taking my prenatal this whole time.
  • My insurance just went thru and I will be 14 weeks on Sunday..when I called my Dr. I have to wait 3 more weeks to get in. I have been a nervous wreck so I rented a Doppler and paid extra for next day delivery but it is such a stress reliever to hear that beat!!
  • @cfa well I ran a lot and I was on the patch and kept having what I thought was my period trust me when I saw the dr I felt so bad bc I thought I was a couple of months at most. When I had her I literally had a baby shower in my hospital room lol.
  • In fl. You can go to the health department and you can get emergency Medicaid that you will have then and there and it'll last for 30 days til your other Medicaid go through. I will still go ahead and make that appt.
  • In Tn you can also go to the health department and get a presumptive medicaid paper to be able to see a doctor. My medicaid was approved the day i signed up for it.
  • I have Medicaid &&haven't seen a doc wont go til may 17th. I wana hear heartbeat too
  • Well I have good news I'm going to be put on my hubbys insurance but it won't be effective until the first of next month so good and bad news. I'm still going to call some clinics to see if I can been seen for a low cost.
  • That's good news hun, you should be able to schedule an appointment for treat day, so schedule it now! Also there are some ultrasound schools in university's that will do a free ultrasound for you to teach the medical students. Either way, you need to schedule your appointment NOW for right away next month. Congrats and good luck hun! :)
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