what age was ur 1st af??



  • Wow, most of you started so young. I have an eight year old daughter and didn't think we would need to worry about that until another five years or so because I was 14.
  • I've already given her the talk about aunt flow I didn't tell her how to deal with it. That's going to happen today! Ty so much everyone for the info and im sorry I had to laugh at some of ur stories like the not moving from the tolet for 4 hrs! Im sure u all get a kick Outta it now! But my daughter is only 58 lbs. She's so small tall but thin my son is the same way. I was just telling my Hubby how were a very tiny family! But ya I think a more in depth talk and some pads would b a good thing. I just don't know eather when to give the sex talk. Should I do that with the af talk?
  • i was about to be 9. my sister was 7. crazy huh? soooo young.
  • 2 months after i turned nine. On Thanksgiving. My mom already informed me about it so I was prepared but still a lil nervous.
  • @CarrieLee I told my daughter the giff of it at 8. Its best to come from u then friends n b4 she has to experience a horror story one like some of these women. Im just going to show her how to put a pad on and what to do
  • edited May 2011
    @Mandac10 - Granted, I am pregnant with my first so I don't have any experience in "the talk" but I think it would make sense if you had the sex talk with the af talk...it might help to explain why we have menstrual cycles to begin with. Just my thought...
  • @SurpriseBaby ya I agree. Its funny I talk about sex and sexual problems for a living but im nervous to do it with my daughter! Lol funny how that works!
  • I just turned 10 when I got mine, the dr was fine with it he said every one is different.
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  • Rofl! @bri2186 that's so cute!
  • Started my a few months before my 17th birthday. Very late bloomer.
  • Oh my@ mom2_4 that's very late! Do u know y so late?
  • i was 12 1/2 but my daughter started when she was 10. i think my mom also says she was 9 or 10.
  • I started going thru puberty in the 4th grade...
  • Just buy pads and put them somewhere so they are there when the time comes.
  • I was in the 8th grade so I think like 13
  • I knew a girl who was 7 and her mom freaked out cause she didn't know if she should even give her the talk that young
  • 11. My sister started at 19 because her hormones were wacked out
  • Like in fifth grade after the boobies n periods n B.O talk lol then that summer got my period! At least a had my sample pads :D
  • @mandac10 - not a clue. I asked my mom yrs ago why she never thought to take me to the dr and she never really gave me an answer. Of course I never thought to ask to go to the dr either. :-)
    Im hoping my daughter isn't going to be such a late bloomer.
  • @mom2_4 I was just wondering cause thy really does seem late! But u have a child or prego I take it so there's nothing wrong with being a late bloomer! My 1st thought was maybe furtility or hormonal issues but thy doesn't seem to b a problem for u! :X
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