what age was ur 1st af??



  • I think I was nine.... I was in fourth grade I know that much. It was in the middle of class I had no idea wat was happening to me
  • Oh no! @mommakk88 u didn't bleed through did u?
  • I was 12
  • I was 11 almost 12. But I knew of a girl who got it in 4th grade!
  • @snreda that really sucks! Does it run early in your family? I was 11, it was 8 days before my 12th birthday.
  • I was 10 i think, but i started with cramps so i rushed to the nurse and she called my mom and gave me a hot pad. I think that its definitely time to have the talk, maybe the sex part you can probably hold off on for a couple of more months till she gets the flow of the changes that her body is going through and maybe after that you can explain the whole reason for her periods and so. Meanwhile, take her to the store and teach her the kind of pads she will need and also inform her of how often she needs to change her pads and make sure that from now on she carries at least 3 in her book-bag that way she can have some left over just in case she has a false alarm and she misuses one. i think that would be very good for starters. My poor mom, god bless her soul, she was very blunt about it. From using the actual naming for our private parts, to asking me to show her my privates to see how far into puberty i was. Now that we think back it was pretty funny, but she was new to it, im her only girl so it was something awkward.
  • I was 11.
  • I was 10 I thought I was dying lol my mom never told me I tried to hid it from her but she found out lol
  • I started on St Patricks day when I was 14...at least it didn't come out green....lol
  • I had just turned 11 the week before. I was in 5th grade and had no clue what was going on. I went to school with a girl that got hers in 1st grade when she was 7 bc I was in the bathroom when she flipped out about it. Strange thing is even though I didnt know what was going on she actually did so her mom must have talked to her about it
  • I was 10...
  • Right after I turned 14 for me I freaked lol I knew about it but I didn't bleed a whole lot at all spotting kinda but omfg I had cramps HORRIBLE and have every one since.but they were always.irregular so ehh.it wasn't an every month thing till I was about 15 or so then they were more regular and average length
  • @perly oh my! Id freak of my mom did that! Lol! But like u said she was new to the talk at least she tried! So many don't talk to there kids about this stuff. Like I said earlier I talk about sex for a living and its do easy for me but to have the talk with my child scares me!
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  • I was a c cup in 3rd grade flow came before the boobs so probably early 7 years old. I'm hoping for an early menopause to make up for it but not holding my breath. My 70(?)y/o grandma is still menstrual
  • @mandac10 i totally understand. I mean, you can do it for living but when it comes to a child you dont want to scare them or corrupt their innocent little brains either so i understand where you are coming from. I always say communication is the key to everything, and as long as you dont go all scientific into the topic but you do cover the areas that have to be discussed you'll be fine and your daughter should be too. Good luck anyway, i hope it goes good.
  • I Started On My 10th Birthday! My Mom Never Gave ME That Talk, or The Sex Talk. I Learned Everything in School.
  • @mom2_4 lucky you. lol
  • 7 and had it twice then came back at 9 then didn't have it again till 11. I was ovulating at 6 I had problems and they tested and found.
  • I was nearly 15. Got it the day my brother turned 12. Happy bday, bro? Lol. I was a total crab! XD but my family blooms late regularly.
  • I was 15 for my first n didnt get a second 4 9 month$ my sisters where all 15/16 n my mum was 19
  • @mandac10 I did but I was lucky enough that it was at the end of the day that I started n I just ran 6 blocks home n cried to my momma lol
  • @baby2dec14yayy tampons? u cant use them that young...right? omg
  • I was 12 and very scared! I started crying lol
  • I was 9..wow feel better knowing I wasn't the only 1 cause no one I know got there's b4 14
  • I cried 2
  • I was 8. :( I was tooo embarrassed to tell my mom untill I was 13!!!! I always stole her pads and ibuprofen. All my friends started after 11. I'd talk to her.
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