@plzletsh11change I am due august 5 too. they told me at 18 weeks I'm having a girl. Now I go back thurs at 23 weeks to confirm that. Lol when do you find out?
Both of my sons have had heartbeats of 160 or higher. I thought the ring test was supposed to be circle for girl and line for boy; that's the way I've always heard it. I read about the red cabbage test, where you're supposed to steep it and then pee in the water or something, but I don't really remember any other details. I find out in a week, but so far this pregnancy I've had considerably more of the 'girl' symptoms than I had with my sons. We'll see.
@BabyComingSoon143 I am not sure what day I have my 2nd ultrasound, but the first one showed it was "most likely"" a girl!! And that is what we want so I sure hope!
I did the red cabbabe test! And my urine turned out purple (didn't change color) so that means girl. Boy is pink/red. Buy a head of red cabbage and cut a 1/4 portion very fine. Boil 10 mins... use urine from the morning. Add equal parts of cabbage juice and urine in a plastic cup. And see ur results! Its based off of the oH levels in urine.... enjoy!
both me and my friend too itelligender test with our last pregnancies and it came up worng, her said boy and she had a girl, mine said girl and i had a boy then a few weeks later i took another one it also said girl. I think it said that the results are about 80 percent accurate but i wouldn't go by just that. Good Luck.