I had a really bad leg cramp last night the I am still trying to stretch out. Does anyone one what to use to help or prevent leg cramps?? Thanks ladies
eat bananas there caused by lack of potassium and nanners are a good way to get it.. UGH ive only had one this whole pregnancy and i didnt know anything about them so when i had it i stretched my legg out and idk what i did but it hurt for like 3 dayss.
Water, water, water, and then more water. Boring, I know. But I used to get them oober bad and my hobby forced water down me. I brought my intake up and cramps are gone. Also, alternating ice and heat helps too. I'm sorry, they are miserable. I hope this helps.
Yes they begin mid way in the second trimester and its not known why could be blood restriction, water gain, back commission, really many things and they can wake you up at night. Its not your usually potassium fix the only thing to do is stretch it out. I'm right there with ya I get them in my calves every night. 18w4d
@little1cashew I'm 18w 4d also!! I scared my hubby when I got it last night it hurt so bad I wasn't able to get out until he helped my rub it out. I'm dreading another one.
Ive had them all my life.. my ex gave me drugs to help me.. it worked until i was starting to be dependent on them.. but i stopped taking them now the pains are back...
Me too! I always stretch before getting up in the morning and now that gives me a Charlie Horse. My husband rubs and that helps. My friend just told me she stands on the cold floor.
@bummy87 I will definitely stretch before bed I don't want another leg cramp it was the worst.
@uncaffeinated_katie hmm maybe that's why I've been craving potatoes!