what do you think???

So I'm 24 weeks & I am soooo fed up with ppl saying dang you're huge! Like I don't already know this? I mean I can't be too huge, doc says I'm measuring right on track! Look at my profile pic and tell me what you ladies think!


  • u are definatly not huge if anything I would say ur little for how far u are.. :)
  • I feel huge but its my third :) im also 24 weeks today
  • Its SUPER CUTE! I wouldnt worry about it :)
  • Girl! I looked like that at 10 weeks...lol I think your bump is perfect!
  • Thank you ladies!!(: and congrats on these beautiful lil babies we have inside of us"(:
  • sweety I'm 24 weeks and bigger then that!! u look great! I look like I'm about to pop! lol I'm petite so I'm showing bigger cuz baby don't have much of space! don't listen what people say...they always have something rude to say anyways. Be happy ur at least showing...my friend only had a tummy at 7 1/2 months and cried half the time cuz people didn't believe her when she said she was even preg! Great luck hun! oh and when's ur due date? I'm Aug 19 for now...(but suppose to schedule a c-section a week or 2 earlier so it might change.)
  • I can't tell too much cuz the dark shirt but what I do c ur fine.. I'm also 24w n imma change mii display picc tomorrow so check baq...i barely popped out n everyone telln me dang ur gettn bigg.. I take it as a compliment! I love mi bby bump!!
  • @naliibby2 Girl I love my bump too & at first it didn't really bother me but then I just got tired of it! Like I don't already feel huge enough without you telling me? @allie8955 I'm due August 25th.(: what all are you ladies having??
  • Congrats! Your belly is beautiful ! I can't wait to start showing lol I know most women say they feel like cows but I'm still ready for it. Hey also how the heck do I upload a picture?
  • Omg people are always asking if im having twins...no, im having one BIG boy...he is already measuring in tbe 65th %ile...
  • I wish I looked as good as you!!! Im due on the 28th and im pretty sure i'm bigger than you...if not in the tummy definitely in the ass!! Hee hee. I think some people just dont know what to say to us pregnant woman...so they call us huge.
    But dispite how you feel you looj amazing!!! Just tell them "at least I'm pregnant...whats your excuse??"
  • @mommy2be2011 awesome! Close to my bday...Aug 27. :) I thought I'd have a birthday baby but he's due Aug 19...but still good enough for me. Great luck Hun and Congrats!
  • @bumpgirl I go to the main first page and the title will be upload pics and at the very top you just click on that link
  • @upnorthmom haha too funny!! (:
  • @allie8955 that would be so cool if you ended up having it on your bday(:
  • Ahhh. I dunno I'm kind of clueless with this application .
  • I'm about the same size at 21 weeks! I was told today that I'd grown loads and asked whether I'd been eating lots by a parent of a pupil at the school I work at. Was not impressed.
  • Your not huge your small. I'm only 20 weeks and I'm huge n I really don't care I just thinly about my baby n her being healthy if ppl don't like it tuff sh**
  • See look @ mii picc now.. Were the same numb of weeks.. I look a lil biggger than u too.. So dnt even worry!!!
  • Omg..... right... this lady ask me today am I 7 m I.said no.5 .. .I think she.was tryin to be funny.. I.dnt even look that big.its really getting old or when they Say you goin to have a big baby
  • I'm 25 weeks and I'm bigger then you. You look great don't let what people say bother you. When your pregnant the belly is a beautiful thing.
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  • Im 24wks nw and smaller than u yet people try to say im too big.. People r just rude! Everyone is different.. I love my preggo belly!!
  • My belly is bigger than what it looks like in the pic. Do any of you have Facebook? You can see more better pics on there.
  • K so I had a dr appnt and sure enough I have a under active thyroid....sooo please ignore my fat ass...;)
  • Im 24 weeks too and around your size. Sum days im bigger theb other tho lol
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