tea and pregnancy

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Is it ok to drink it?


  • Depedes wat kind it is. Mint is recommend.
  • The caffiene is supposed to b limited.so I got decaf.
  • I sometimes drink 2 cups of tea a day and I think caffeine in moderation is not bad
  • a cup of black tea has about the same caffeine as coffee. Some a little more. Green tea is not good to drink a lot of, There is something in it that helps coat nerves, and when your preg it tells your body not to make it because you already have enough. And thats the stuff that creates the tube that holds the nerves in your spine. sry, tired and can't remember names lol But I think you have to drink a lot of it for that to happen. I was told raspberry leaf tea is good. Ginger tea. But avoid teas that are concidered medicinal. Like things with echinatia and other roots. They just don't know what it can do yet..
  • Most Celestal Seasons are decaf

  • Okay ladies.. y'all are using big words for tea & I'm a little country girl.. so I'll keep it simple, is mommas sweet tea for dinner okay? Haha idk details to tea!
  • Pretty much, tea in moderation is fine to drink but they strongly recommend you don't drink raspberry leaf tea before 37 weeks as the fear of premature labour. So best to steer clear of that, but as long as you keep it to a max of about 3 cups a days, you're alright. :)
  • @kmose77 ....oligodendrocytes? Is what you are describing.. damn I just had a green tea :/ guess I'm stopping that one :(
  • Coffee cures my bad headaches, its better than taking paracetamol
  • I drink tea only when I have a really bad headache but it only works some times an I love tea
  • Dident know any of this I'm only ttc atm but with my daughter I drank ecanachia and rasberry tea loaddds I craved it don't even like it lmao and luckilly my lil girl was ok :) x
  • Ya, they don't really have any proof that ecanachia might be bad. They just don't really know what effect it can have. And I think you have to drink a LOT of green tea to really do any possible damage. St John wart was the other one I think to stay away from. But as long as its just tea leaves like chamomile, ginger tea, sleepy time, that stuff is fine as far as I know. They even make tea for breastfeeding moms thats supposed to increase production and flo :P
    @SheridanLM1991Good to know! I just herd it was good for prego people! lol I'll hold off on the ras leaf tea for now then!
    @mommy3 I believe sweet tea, is basicly sun tea, or sweetened Ice tea? If so the only issue is the cafein. It is a black tea. Moderation is the key. If its at night though your prob gonna loose some sleep to an active baby! lol If its just sweetened fruit tea, your good :)
  • In my husbands county (chile) they have a tea time every night so when I got pregnant it was hard for me to stop so I asked my doctor and she said to get the decaf one so that's what I have been drinking and baby is fine :)
  • Thank you very much (: you ladies are so good with info. I would've never known!
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