What's your opinion on it?
My god sister is a porn start O.o and believe me she has disgraced every moral I have lol. I like watching some porn, but I still look at those women as prostitutes and dirty.
My god sister is a porn start O.o and believe me she has disgraced every moral I have lol. I like watching some porn, but I still look at those women as prostitutes and dirty.
And I am always trying to see if the guy is wearing a condom or not. I get to distracted with the thoughts of them having aids or another std.
I find it funny when the girls/guys have shaving bumps. Or when their butt is soooo white. lol..
@leggs2011 that's usually what I do, or I end up pointing out every flaw on each couple or notice how fake it is and how in pain they look and laugh about how phony they sound lol.
Some is still enjoyable but most of the time I can't help but giggle
sunshine right! Like when they do anal and the guy asks ooo that feel good? and the girl is practically crying but she answers yes. pft. I think the guys get off on the girls pain..
owwwy owwwy.. I don't like it. It hurts. like ewwie.. If it was suppose to go in that hole the hole would be bigger. haha..
ouch.. I couldnt be a porn star. I'd have a HUGE list of NO'S!! lol.. No putting your nasty penis in my mouth, no slapping your penis on my cheek. haha.. and ect..
PORN its gross like I find noo excitement honestly my opinion is if ppl watch it than damm there sex lifee must really suckk. My sex life is breath taking I lovee it andd we don't watch porn that's just gross why would we wannna watch two prositutes having sex for money yuckk nd there sex is whack hahaha..anywho I dont watch it..
anddd my sex life is AMAZING we don't need too see dirty ppl...