Has anyone done an amniocentisis?

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Im scheduled for an amniocentisis on the 22nd but I am having second thoughts. My doctor didnt discuss it to much before I agreed to do one. Its optional but after reading online im not sure. I read that 1 in 200 women sac breaks or begins to leak and will kill the baby. I also dont like the idea of a needle up there... It sounds painful. Has anyone had one & what was it like?


  • I had one with my daughter, the needle is pretty big (as in long) but it went very well, she was sleeping or lying very calm so it didn't come close to her at all. I hate needles and from what I remember it was just the typical pinch you feel when getting blood drawn, and its pretty quick. My Obgyn is a great one too, so if you feel comfortable with who's doing it that helps alot. Good luck on your decision and on the procedure if you choose to have it done.
  • Oh and you say "up there" for the needle placement, it goes through your belly.
  • @kkmommy thanks so much for clearing it up for me! I really had no idea it went through the belly!
  • You're welcome
  • I had one with my first son. They used an ultrasound while they were putting the needle in so they could see where he was at all times. Take it easy the rest of the day after..might be some mild cramping..but risk of losing the baby is pretty small from what they told me. Good luck with your decision and the rest of your pregnancy!
  • @Mnbaby3 thanks for mentioning the ultrasound, I said where my daughter was but forgot to mention how we knew that :-)
  • If its something you really feel you need to do, don't stress about it. I do know someone who had one and lost her baby. They don't know for sure that was the cause though. she had it because there were some concerns when she had her ultrasound. Though they aliminated most of them with the test results.. So that happening is rare. But everyone is different. Sorry don't want to scare you. But that was my experience..
  • @kkmommy sure..just trying to give her as much info as possible..i was worried about the baby and the needle until they told me they would use ultrasound. Good luck on your pregnancy!
  • Thank you @mnbaby3 I didnt realize the ultrasound was used to guide the needle. && @kmose77 thanks for your honest experience, Im really nervous for that reason exactly
  • @Babylove00 you are welcome good luck hun :-)
  • what is the procedure you are talking about? what is it for?
  • @lovethemoon its to check during pregnancy for certain problems with the baby such as down syndrome or nasal and throat problems. If you google it there are probably lists of things it can detect.
  • I'm supposed. To get one to find out if my baby has cf but I'm scared to find out plus scared of needles only if I can see them I panic so I opted out and is going to wait till after the baby is born
  • hmmm is it good to get? i heard that isnt covered by most insurance companies... how much would it be? do you think it is better for older women to get or any age? this is my first.. i am 6 weeks... if you dont mind me asking why did or are you getting it?
  • @louloubell I think I am going to do the same thing. Id rather wait!
  • @lovethemoon my insurance actually covers it so im not sure how much it costs. The only reason I was going to get it was just because my doctor said she reccomends it to all women. Hope that helps!
  • well ya it does... thanks.. :) i will have to talk to my doc about it too... thanks!!
  • edited February 2011
    Well first off WHY do you has to has one? If I may ask. That's one thing u didn't mention. I mean I've had one but its something you shouldnt have just bc. I had one bc my tri-screen aka the blood test they did to check for down syndrome, spinal bifidia etc. Came back that my daughter could of been a downs baby. I didn't care!!! I wasn't going to change a thing. But I wanted to make sure and prepair myself for what I was getting into. I had it done and im sorry not trying to scare you but id never do it again. Yes they used the ultrasound to guide the needle but my daughter was so active that they had to stick me 6 times. I would never ever do it again! It hurt so bad after words I cramped so bad and my stomach was black and blue. Im just telling you my experience and not trying to scare you again. I just don't believe you should have one just bc. My 6 doctors said that's not something that should be done just bc. There really needs to be a medical reason to do it. The needle goes in where the amiotic sac is so where the insert it in your belly all depends! Just lay very still and relax if you have it done!!! Good luck hun. But you really need to make it clear why you are needing it done and ask questions and dont be afraid to ask!!! I have four kids with the fifth one on the way and gaining two more that aren't mine! I've been through a lot! Lol hope things go well again.
  • I would bet mqybe insurance doesn't cover it unless the doctor orders it for a reason?
    I don't want to get one unless there's need to :/
  • @lovethemoon usually your doctor will suggest it if an ultrasound or bloodwork comes back showing signs of something, I don't think they will do it without reason. My daughter showed signs of downs and I wanted to prepare for that if it was our situation.
  • The one I was gonna have was to. See if my baby. Has. Cystic fibrous but wether they have it or not would not Change anything I know though if they did it would be so hard to live with
  • will blood work show signs or spinal bifida? i have been freaked out about that the last 2 days... i found out a little over a week ago that i was prego and just started taking folic acid and these other vitamins cause my first appt is on monday with my doc...
  • Amd I would of had to pay for it and it was a lot just for. The main 3 they test for was about 400
  • Here's the thing the reasons why they do blood work and ultrasounds is to find out these things. If the blood work or ultrasounds comes back with bad news they can give you that option. I was told a doctor CANNOT recommend it to you bc its a liability issue. I am sorry but any doctor that tells you to have one done without having blood work and ultrasounds done first is just out for the money. That's again why they do that stuff. My insurance only paid for mine bc my blood work came back not normal and it was an OPTION I had. Im sorry I wouldn't do it again. If I could go back and change me doing it I would. The only thing it did was tell me for sure 100% I was having a girl and I already knew that. Older women are more prone to having issues. Plus my daughter was just fine!!! The test they say for the blood work being done is like 1 out of 4 womens blood work will come back with negative reading but that doesn't mean its actually there. That's why they offer it. At one point the doc scared him self bc he thought he had got her hand. Now they are doing blood work eairler and an ultrasound eairler to see if these things are there or not bc they hav newer technology to tell them the info instead of waiting until like 16/20 weeks to have it done. Ill be 13 weeks when I have my second ultrasound done and more blood work. Then I get another one at 20 weeks of course to tell the sex and make sure re baby ia growing correctly. Every doctor is different but im sorry to say they are wrong at times also and don't always go with what you want. You need to make it clear to the doc what YOU want not them. Some docs are in it just for the money on some tests! Just my opinion though.
  • @lovethemoon I'm not sure what all the bloodwork and ultrasounds can detect, I paid attention more during my first pregnancy. I do know that now they do a different type of screening for a lot of stuff, it involves a finger prick, blood drawn and an ultrasound. I think they do it around 15 weeks. I wouldn't stress anything until your initial appt, to see where your at and what the dr wants to do
  • Ya i agree its not something that should just be done to do it. Usually if a dr recomends it just to everyone just because, its because they make a ton of money off stuff like that. sounds bad but its true. That is a last resort test. I would not do it unless you have a real reason. The risks are real. And if its not going to change you keeping the baby or not, whats the point? Just my opinion. There is enough scary stuff without adding un needed procedures.. They wanted my aunt to do one, they thought her daughter was going to have downs, even tried to get her to terminate. She said no to both. Her girl is 12 now and perfectly normal. Those tests are not 100 sure no matter what. There are always chances either way.
  • Kmose I agree!!!! And lovethemoon they check for C.F, spinal bifida, downs, and a few other things just with the blood work and ultrasound. No need to have the amio. To find the out!!!! If you aren't going to do anything about the baby then why chance doing something to the baby if it is ok you know. Absolutely crazy!!! I would change having one if I could but I can't. Its done and over with! My fiancee at the time talked me into it and I was stupid. Don't ever let someone talk you into something you don't want to do or you have a gut feeling isn't right to do!!!
  • Yea i had one dey did it to check to see if my bby lungs were fully develop b foe dey did my csection bt i didnt hurt as much
  • I've been pricked and poked so many times one was a hep test then an HIV. Then diabetes. Then the dowm syndrome, spinal bifida and some other and I get my finger poked all the time to check my iron levels but at 23 week's I've. Only had. One ultrasound and that was at 13 week's
  • My doc told me i had to do the amnio if I wanted to see if my baby had cf it was the only way
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