a very important statistic on getting induced!

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
So statistics state that a women being induce is more than 70 percent likely to get induced..

If u were or have been innduce please state if u had the baby vaginally and what they did to jump start labor



  • *induced*

    I was jump started on pitocin
    & had to get a c section :(
  • Sorry is more likely to get a C SECTION .
  • I was induced 2 times so far.. I had both my vaginally.. Thet gave me pitocin and broke my water when it was time
  • I was induced and had a vaginal delivery. They gave me pitocin.
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  • Oh and also broke my water at 6cm.
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  • Most women progress usually fine until about 5_7 cm and don't progress after that.

  • Induced with both of my kids broke my water n started pitocin had them both vaginally no complications whatsoever
  • I was induced all 4 times with my kids all were vaginal births and all were started with pitocin.
  • Pitocin and I delivered vaginally.
  • Probably dumb question, but this is my first... what is pitocin? & is it bad or good? & does being induced really put stress on the baby? Or the babies heart? Im worried my babies going to be big & stubborn on coming out & I don't know how I feel about being induced yet...
  • edited May 2011
    Induced with pitocin and they broke my water shortly after starting pitocin, I had her vaginally :) I personally LOVED my induction!
  • edited May 2011
    I Failed 3 inductions over 6 days. They used pitocin and cervidil. Ended up with an emergency c-section on day 6 b/c my daughters heart rate was dropping and my blood pressure was dropping. I would NEVER go through an induction again...it was awful :'(
  • I was induced with my son at 39 weeks 6 days. Got citotec (a little pill) put in my cervix to help soften and dilate it and pitocin, that induction failed. A week later I was induced the same way and had my son 10 hrs later vaginally.
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  • I was given a pill the night before to ripen my cervix, although I don't remember what it was called. Doc broke my water at 11 a.m., and my little dude was born at 2:31 p.m.! :D
  • induced with pitosin w my first vaginal dwlivery. 2nd induce with cevix softener. vag delivery.. the softer took longer but was worth it.. i also walked tp help the cervidel. after the 30min waitin period .
  • My water broke on it's own. induced with pitocin a few hours later. Had my son vaginally with the help of forceps.
  • I had cervidil, then pitocin and a super easy vaginal delivery.
  • I had to be induced due to medical reasons at 35w 6d.. They first inserted a pill which started very bad contractions... Then about 5hrs later they started pitocin.. I had horrible horrible contractions for 20hrs... I didn't get an epi until id been in labor for right at 20hrs bc I didn't want a chance of slowing down labor.. After I got it they checked and I hadn't dilated at all just thinned 70%.. So I had to have a csection.
  • I hope to be induced next week. I'll be 39 wks. And this baby is measuring at 9 lbs so I want her out before she's too big lol
  • I had an induction with my 2nd at 39 weeks. Pitocin and had him vag 7 hours later. The only thing I didn't like was the intensity of the contractions.
  • Induced with pitocin and 24 hours later needed an emergency c-section.
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  • edited May 2011
    My water broke then was given pitocin when I wouldn't dialate. Then my water wasn't broken all the way so they re-popped my bag I was in active labor for a week and ten hours and pushed for an hour and I still think it is the easiest thing I have ever done! I am not worried about labor this time whatsoever :) and it is a lot more common for induced labor now a days because they will induce most teens once they are term to keep them from not being able to deliver. As far as c sections go they too are also much more common because women are requesting them a lot more now a days too.
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  • My doctor said it's more common for 1st timers to end in a c-section when induced if they haven't started to dilate at all before the induction starts because it stresses the baby out.
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