Decided on our Lil boys name :)

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
We have decided on calling our baby boy Ashley James Wordsworth what does everyone think? :)
Ashley is a boys name too isnt it? lol please say it is! haha


  • Yes it's a unisex name but I don't know any boys named Ashley. Aren't your afraid he will be made fun of in school? Kids can be very cruel.
  • It is unisex yes. My husband and I liked asher!
  • It's a unisex name congrats
  • Ashley is a boys name as well, yes. He might be picked on a bit, but I think, if he's the type of kid who's going to be a scapegoat, they'll find reasons to pick on him regardless of whether you name him Ashley or Jack. It's all about how they wear their name. Besides, it's slightly more common in the UK than the US, isn't it? I think the name you chose is very distinguished. :)
  • agreed. i think its cool but ive never been into unisex names.. if im correct tho it started as a guys name ... im into masculin names... good luck
  • Nice,i went to school with a boy named ashley
  • I have a unisex name so I'm biased ;)
    I think Ashley is different, there was a member of a boy band named ashley parker, I think.
  • Yeah unisex. And I LOVE it! :)
  • I'm from Georgia & Ashley is a very traditional southern man's name. I know a family of Ashleys lol. However, it is unisex, and if push comes to shove he's got a great middle name to fall back on. Or you can nickname Ash or Asher. Either way, if you like it, be happy!
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  • I like Ashley for a boy & girl. It's just a beautiful name overall
  • edited May 2011
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  • @emmz18mummy2b. Its unisex. I actually dig the name aubree for a boy.
  • @TishJ330 We wont be calling him by the middle name as its my fiances actual name, but he doesnt liek it as a first name so he has a nickname, so i cant call him James lol
    Thank you everyone! We are pleased with the name, ive known a few Ashley's, but none have ever been picked on for their name, so im hoping it is the right decision to call him Ashley :)
  • Well it sounds like you've made up your mind! Congrats! That's exciting to land on a name! I was just going to point out the fact that he will probably go to school with like 5 girls with the same name. It sounds like it depends on where you're from if its common or not??? Where I'm from I've never heard or known a boy with that name.
  • My husband wanted to name our daughter Ashley if she was a boy. I didn't like the idea personally and finally got him to change his mind, but he kept trying to meet me halfway by insisting we'd call him Ash for short. He won the gender bet we made with our son, though, so our son is named Shannun.
  • Cute. Sounds like he would wear plaid vests, go to Exeter, and play polo!
  • I'm sorry but maybe think twice my brothers name is bradley and he hates it! He wishes the would havr just named him brad. Men need masculine names....
  • I know an old man named Ashley
  • All this is making me think twice...:/.....
  • @emmz18mummy2b My mom alwayss told me to think of a nake i like and do a test on it.. pretend its a real life situation.. your mad call him like you would be mad.. if you feel comfortable with the name go to step 2. A nick name is very common amongst kids now a days so think if all the nick names you can with his name. Still comfortable? Then move to step 3. Pretend you are his gf and yall are having sex. She yells out his name.. is it a turn off if it were you? If you are satisfied with all three steps then keep the name. Hope that helps :)
  • @kritten_octoberbby I think the first two steps im comfortable with...just not step 3 .. lol :) thanks, its a gd idea :)
  • I'm from England and I know quite a lot of male ashleys, usually get called ash for short
  • Yeh thats what we were thinking.. a lot of people seem to be against the name :(
  • I like it. I have a male cousin named Ashley.
  • Yay :) i think in America its more known for a girl, but i think there's lots of male Ashleys in the UK, is that fair to say..?
  • edited May 2011
    Well he's going to be your baby boy so aslong as you like it :) I know only 1 girl ashley and know 7 boy ashleys and that's not including the boys I used to go to hs with. It's very common in the UK Yeh
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