what hsppens at your 28 week appointment?

edited May 2011 in Third Trimester
I'm 28 weeks today appointment in like 2 weeks what do I expect? I have only been going every 4 weeks just for them tu check urine and measure belly.... no ultrasound since 20 weeks..... when will they switch the damn process I'm getting bored


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  • If you haven't been tested for gestational diabetes you probably wil, just have to drink this glucose drink then get your blood taken, other than that probably the same measuring and weighing :)
  • I go for my blood test this friday....Im gettin kinda bored also...I wanna kno when is my next u.s...But my doc did tell me that my appointment will be every 2weeks now
  • Yup. Things change at the 36 week appointments to cervix checks etc.
  • @veve if you have already had your 20 week ultra sound you more than likely won't have another unless something is wrong.
  • Yea my dr doesn't give more ultrasound after the 20wk one.
  • my doc only does one us @ 20 weeks and he doesn't start the appointments every two weeks til 30 wks...
  • Tht sucks
  • If you're blood is rh- you'll get the rhogam shot, but other than that its pretty much the same ol same ol. It is pretty boring I agree 100%
  • That kinda suck.. .i want a 3d ultrasound
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