worst first mothers day :(

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
so i told my mom this morning n she wasnt very happy. she told me i am too young and that i need to look at other things i can do about the baby. i think she is bein unfair because she had me when she was 16 and im only 2 years younger then that. i know i have alot of work ahead of me but shes not going to take this baby away from me. im just very confused right now =(


  • your 14 ????
  • yep she is ... look at het first post everybody and their mommy commented on it smdh
  • Well Hun, your mom is right. Your making her be responsible... that's not fair to her at all. If it was an accident I could be more understanding but you made the biggest decision at the wrong time in life and now SHE has to deal with it. Your not capable of raising a child on your own. You cannot legally live on your own, drive and there is no way you will be able to get a job just starting high school. You're making her deal with this, and by law its her decision now. You should have thought of all of this first, God bless but you need to realize that she has EVERY right to be very angry... not judging but come on what in hell did you expect to happen??
  • Btw she CAN take the baby away. Your too young and a judge can give her the baby if need be. There is NO way for you to support a child on your own
  • Your mom knows first hand how hard it is to raise a child at a young age and everything that she has told you I'm sure is out of pure concern and love for you 14 is very young as well as 16 is I know that it seems she is being harsh but honestly 14 is not even old enough to get a job you have a rough long life ahead if you chose to raise the baby alone. Good luck sweetie prayers to you
  • I didn't want to comment but I think this is just sad and heart breaking.. you are still a child yourself how do you expect to raise a kid. My prayers go out to you..
  • @blessed1508 i was making sure i read it right ... thnx ...
  • Your sooo little even yourr pik shows how young u r
    .. ahhh I can't imagine my lil 14yr old cousin preggo but hey what's done is donee congratss
  • i dunno what to think right now. =(
  • i cant even imagine my sister getting pregnant and shell be 14 in november !!! omg i wouldnt no what to do !! but your in my prayers hun . good luck .
  • Nothing you can do now, should have thought of this before...
  • Smh you just started your period...if I was your mother is would let you have the baby, but you sure would have to leave my home. Now she's gotta take care of you and your baby. Sad world. You still have six teen years left.
  • O my ur just a baby girl. How far along are you? My prayers go out to u.
  • Sweet heart im tell u its nt easy evn with me bein 23 its hard i work go to school & teach a youth group.4 girls 8-21 @ church & im beat all the time wen i was 13 my older sis who was 14 @ the time had a baby it was hard on my grandmother who raised us my sis kudnt do anything 4 herself she got so stresses she dropped out of school & left littetally left her baby wit us evn thn bein an aunt i had to help wit my neice bcus my granny worked extra to .support us its nt gonna b easy thts y ur mom is so angry bcus she knows how it is how she gt talked about & every mother wants their child to do better thn wat they did so she may be more dissapointed in your discission thn angry wit u
  • Wow!!!!
  • I completely agree @praying4our3rd this really breaks my heart.
    I could not even imagine my 14 yr old coming to me tell me she's having a baby...on mothers day of all days.
  • Well of course ur mom.is not gonna.be happy. Ur 14 and did it on purpose. Ur bd wont support u.
  • @praying4out3rd i totally agree with you . i mean im 19 years old and struggle . my momma wasnt very happy with me but the closer i get to my daughter bein born the more excited she gets . and i couldnt imagine what she would do if my sister who is 13 almost 14 got pregnant . shes still a baby and she sees the struggles i go thru . this is a mess and pray for this girl i really do .
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  • I'm not in your shoes, so I really can't judge you. But, put yourself in your mom's postion. I know you probably hate hearing that, but I think it may help you understand things a little better. Let's say, you end up having a little girl. You struggle to make ends meet, you have to depend on other's to help you take care of the little one, etc. You know all about the hardships of being a young mother. Now, say your daughter is 14, and just put herself in that position, and now she's gonna go through everything that you've went through. Wouldn't you feel a little upset, too? I know when I was 14, I thought I was grown, but I learned the hard way that I was no where near being an adult. You've got a rough road ahead, but it's not impossible to accomplish, as long as you work hard and stay motivated. I wish you all the best.
  • Why are you even sexually active and not using a condom!? You are aware of the rising STD and STI rate, right? Please seek counseling for this, you need some enlightenment that only a professional can bring. Good luck.
  • @praying4our3rd i don't care if I get bashed, I completely agree with you. I think I might have to leave pregly. I'm having a girl and emotionally I cannot handle this....:(
  • @anadoll92 i haven said anything bad to anyone here but you dont even know my bd. im just here for friendship and advice but everyone is bein so negative =(
  • @praying4our3rd I completley agree with you
  • edited May 2011
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  • @shaqwan1996 Because your 14 sweetie. I'm 28, married, own a home, cars, etc...and its hard for me. No, we don't know your bd, but chances are at 14, he's not ready for this and will bail...let's hope that's not the case, but very likely.
  • @everyone we still gotta offer our support she is young &&needs us more then ever @shaqwan1996. Yes ppl don't understand or agree but seriously did u think they wud? Now step up &&prove everyone different. That's all u can do. As for ur mom how wud u feel ur daughter following in ur shoes?! Wish u the best &&pls cdont let the negative feedback keep u from asking for advice.
  • Oh, even worse!
  • Your so bored that ur making a fake page . Grow up and get a life you aint a pregnant 14 year old this is pissing me off get a life .
  • I completly understand girl... its a messed up world we live in. I hope you get your baby soon, you really deserve it. I can't handle thinking my daughter might do this to me. Its making me cry. I mean I dis irresponsible stuff when I was young but this is WRONG. I don't care if I get bashed, I cannot deal with this stuff. No 14 year old should get pregnant period and if I have to I will put my daughter on birth control when she gets her period and just tell her they are vitamins. This has to be the worst mothers day ever for this mom. Honestly I don't know if I would allow my daughter to adopt, technically your baby CANNOT fully handle being pregnant at that age and I would be scared of my daughter dying or getting hurt and I would have my daughter abort... this ruined my day and my first child isn't even born yet...
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