baby sign lang

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
Sooo who teaches or plans to introduce bebe sign Lang? My 1st signs "I love u" "milk" &&trys her ABC's all day long. Lol we are working on more, eat &&pls. I'm going to have a pretty happy communicating baby (: how does everyone feel?


  • I did it with both my older kids who are now 11 and 9 and I'm going to do it with this one too. I took asl in college I was going to get a degree in it so I could either work in a deaf school or translate but moved and haven't had the chance to go back
  • @camommy yay another signer (: I teach my kids at school too. The parents always eager to learn too. Mine just loves it. I see her just ah working away practicing
  • My daughter is more into it than my son but he sitll uses the bathroom sign
  • I am. So far I bought a book and flashcards with the basic stuff. I have always been interested in asl so I can't wait til I can learn along with my baby. I also think it will come in handy since my husband and I have decided thast he is going to speak english to our baby and I am going to speak only spanish with the baby. I think it will b easier for the baby not to get confused by the two languages. How old should the bby be for me to start introducing sign language?
  • @praying4our3rd that is soo great. I love to hear that as a preschool teacher! @MLK619 I started as soon her eyes could focus. We always signed the ABC's wen her eyes were open
  • @camommy I took 2yrs in hs FL colleges consider it a foreign Lang (: can't roll my tongue to produce the rr sound in Spanish
  • We use the baby signs at the day care where I work. It is only the greatest idea ever. Being able to communicate with a nonverbal young toddler is a life saver at times. And I love that it stimulates their brains more than crying and whining.
  • I definitely plan on teaching my baby to sign! I think its an awesome thing to do :) my step mom taught my little brothers when they were babies and passed all her resources on to me, I can't wait to teach her.
  • @Jwigs *teacher love* I love meeting amazing coworkers as I'm sure u know our feild has some......smh
    @rockinmomma its the BEST &&who knows wen they will meet a friend where that comes into play!
    @praying4our3rd u r soo right! I can't stress enuff how important parent-teacher working TOGETHER really is....pls if u can't offer ur time to ur child then maybe u shud wait but hey that's just mee. Parents like this reminds mee y I LOVE what I do (:
  • My nephew does it he's 1 Almost 2 its so cute .
  • We started w my son at about 9 mos...he was a late talker, but we could still communicate w him. He still uses his signs w words now. He does more, please and thank u at the dinner table all the time. I haven't worked w our 2nd as much but he is picking things up from his big brother-he tries plz and I never started him w it
  • I took ASL in H.S. and college and loved it. I used it w/my daughter and she continues at 2yrs old to use it at times. I plan on using it again w/my son after he's born. It was very helpful in communicating and cut back on a lot of guessing what she wanted.
  • Yay sometimes ppl look at mee like y lol I don't pay em no mind tho
  • We taught our now 2 year old son simple things like: potty, please, thank you, eat, drink, owie. It is amazing how quickly kids catch on and then use the signs when they neEd things. We will definitely be teaching this baby as well.
  • My 3yr old knows a few signs, believe it or not we learned a lot of signs from blues clues. I learned a lot from the show an jus kept showing my son until he caught on. We wld watch the show together then when evr steve would sign for smthn I wld show my son. Its a great way to bond to when ur learning something together :)
  • dont do it!! i mean really! i did with my son and hes 3 now hardly talks and sometimes only communicates by signing. he should b talking way more but wont cause he can communicate that way. i dont recommend it unless very nessisary
  • I am completely for it!!! Yes yes yes!!! LOL, I have a two and a half year old little girl, and it makes it a lot easier for day fare to understanding her. Also it associates the words she hears and signs. She does her sign language still, but since she's learning to talk more she signs and talks too. She also has a deaf cousin who she can some what talk to.
  • @mandac10 sorry to hear that. But I didn't speak til almost 4 soo I guess it just depends on the child @mijaylasmommy1205 I agree 100%
  • Ya im im hoping he's just a late bloomer or stubborn
  • My son learned to sign on daycare because a little girl in his class was deaf so they all learned it with her. I personally loved it. He's 5 and still uses it while he's talking sometimes.@mandac10 my son went through a phase where he would try to use only sign language but we told him that he can and WILL talk to communicate and would ignore him until he used the verbal because we (and he) knew that he was capable of using words. Same as when they're learning to talk we.didnt let him point at juice he had to ask for it.
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