Perverted old men

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
Why is that they claim that"o well she came on to me" WTF!! Dirty ass mustards. I'm watching Steve wilkos and this 46 yr old man had sex with a 12yr old and said "she came on to me" and he got her pregnant at 14. And now he molested his daughter. If I was a man and a little girl came to me I would tell her parents. How is a little girl gonna force herself on a grown ass men.Shit like this make me sick. Burn in hell!


  • Yep those men are disgusting makes me feel sick and wanna slap em
  • Omg that's sick :/ if i was the man I'd definatly take her straight to her parents and tell them to sort her head out obviously that's a load of bs and hope he gets sent to prison
  • edited May 2011
    i was at work the other day and this OLD OLD OLD man comes up and say "i could look at you all day", and as i walk off, a coworker told me he was licking his lips looking at my butt!!!!!!!!! FREAKYYYY

    im 17!
  • Its not always the way with these men though some of them hide it so well they have themselves fooled ...... I wish they would all go to prison for what they do
  • Yes...exactly.they make get a woman your age.shit!...I seriously want to cut off their penis'.
  • edited May 2011
    That's is disgusting and sick! Old fags like that should burn in hell! That makes me angry. I wish I could cut off his dick and make him eat that shit! Sorry for my language, I am a person who is highly against that stuff and they deserve to DIE!!
  • They are just all filthy old disgusting men .....hope they all burn in help
  • @mammanouchee me too girl.why take a little girls innocence.BURN IN HELL!! And the little girl was 4yr old...and her mom said that she had been scared to use the bathroom"cuss it hurt"......:(
  • Actually @mammanouchee ... this was a heterosexual man, so your inappropriate language in not only offensive, but also ill placed...
  • Its sick (sorry to keep posting but I have been through it myself) just wish they knew how much they f**k these childrens lives up because the memories never go away
  • And yes ofcourse what he did was disgusting. Anyone who hurts a child like that should be castrated.
  • @mummy2be_Aug19 yep.its fine.keep posting all you want. Really disturbing and sick!
  • I wonder what about a little girl makes them "get off" and rape and molest them?...I kinda think that they are helpless and they can have more power over them.I guess.but that's sad.what kind of world do we live in?
  • Its sick how most of them dont get caught and the poor child is too scared to tell anyone because the man has said its normal
  • @mummy2be_Aug19 or even threaten them. Saying they will hurt them or their family....and they serve that much time in jail.but you serve years for harming a dog. But not a child??somethings wrong with that picture.
  • Well talking from my own experience the man didnt get anything because he denied it all and it was his word over mine ...makes me sick ... The memories still haunt me to this day ... Just want justice to be done
  • I'm sorry that happened to you :( nobody ever deserves that.
  • Thats ok it was so long ago I try not to think about it because ive got my gorgeous little girl to look forward to ... Im not gonna let him ruin my life Im looking to the future now
  • Great!that's how it should be :) and becareful who you trust and who you let around your baby.
  • I know thanks for the support @excitedforbaby Im gonna be so careful
  • @mikeandronadopt I wansent referring it to any other man. It was only meant for that particular guy who did what he did. As I stated wether male or female they don't deserve to be treated with fairness if a crime was commited. My apology if it did offend anybody but that is what I thought. Not trying to say it everybody.
  • It didn't offend me. I believe the only people it should offend is the ones who engaged in such an act.
  • @excitedforbaby thank you very much. Only the one who did it should feel offended.
  • I was only referring to your use of the word "fag"
    I agree that sickos like that who hurt children should be punished severely, just didnt know why that word had to be used. Moving on...
  • @MikeandRonAdopt I think she meant old dudes.
  • Right but fag is a derrogatory word used to put down gay people.
    It not only made no sense to use in that context but is inappropriate
    If someone in the middle of a post randomly used a slur that was offensive to Asian-American's, I am sure @mammanouchee might be a little offended herself.
  • Not trying to start a war here just asking people perhaps think before using words of hate
  • I agree with @mikeandronadopt "fag" was misused in that context and I was offended by it. I'm a straight female, but I don't like it when others use language that can be hateful to others. Fag isn't always used to describe a gay person, but more often than not, it is.
  • I'm not trying to cause any drama either. Just saying its offensive.
  • I just believe that was a typo.
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