baby's heartbeat

edited May 2011 in Second Trimester
If the heart beat is fast and strong but the doctor didn't tell u how many beats per sec. Is it a boy or a girl? Hope its a Girl


  • Thats just a myth. You cant tell the sex from the hb.
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  • Im having a girl and her first hr was 146 doc said it would probably be a girl i was 12 wks she was right..
  • That is just a myth my son was 155 at one appointment and 162 at another....definitely a little dude
  • My baby is a girl and it goes from 150s to. 130s. When I first got pregnant it was 133 at 6 wks so I don't believe in that myth. Of course it has been true sometimes. I heard depending on the shape of the sac early on depends on the sex. Like if its round its a girl and if its peanut shaped then its a boy. My.sac was round. So it was right for me
  • I'm having a boy and its normally 150+
  • My boy's heartbeat has never been under 150 bpm.
  • According to my heartbeat I was a boy. Lol I am pretty sure they were wrong.
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