Petite preglys

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
Is there any others here? I'm 5'0 and just hit 106 lbs. I've always been tiny and never been over 100 unless I'm pregnant. Not by choice I eat more than lots of people I know! I also dealt with horrible morning sickness until my 18th week which had me losing weight. But I have gained being that I was under 90 pre-pregnancy. Anyways I had someone bash me yesterday for being "too small" and I have had some others tell me I need to gain another 30 pounds. My doctor is very happy with my weight gain and says that 20-25 is plenty for me(he knows I eat and do everything by the books) My babies are all healthy and weighed perfectly at birth. Anyone else deal with people being negative about your weight? The only down side I see from not doubling in size is its so hard to find petite maternity clothes! But I finally hit the jackpot when I ran across the heidi klum line! She's the only designer that kept us xs moms in mind!


  • Im 4'11'' and in the 80s when not preggo. For Thanksgiving me and hubby went to NY to announce to his family we were expecting and his BILs family said rude shyt the whole time. "you better eat or that baby is gonna end up as skinny as you" "well maybe you being pregnant will help you fill out so youll look normal"..
    All of them are very overweight and I asked them if they realized there were more health problems associated with being fat than skinny.. And they had nothing else to say.. I have always been skinny and do not have a problem with eating.. I have a high metabolism.. Ppl can be so rude.
  • Well with my first son up until 28wks I was 5'7 and I weighed 120lbs. I felt depressed. Then I just started gaining weight. I gave birth at 160lbs. Now with my second son its just the same story.
  • I'm 5'3 and always weighed in the 90s. I only get over 100lb when I'm pregnant. I only gained 13lbs with my first pregnancy. The doctors weren't to worried cuz the baby was growing like he should.
    My bd is always telling me I need to eat more and his family says the same thing.
  • I do notice that most of the people who have something rude to say are overweight(nothing against overweight people) but its true as long as we are eating well what's the problem? It's not healthy to gain all kinds of extra weight. I know a few people who did and ended up with diabetes. How far are you @luvbump
  • edited May 2011
    im 5'2 and was 95lbs before and only got up to 103 one time and wanted to gain more but i just couldnt. i was always eating like crazy but couldnt even gain until pregnancy. l0l! i weigh 127 now, so its not a problem but gestational diabetes is helping that.. people used to say stuff before i got pregnant about gaining weight until they seen how much i really ate or until i went off on them and they quickly learned not to ever suggest that i had a eating problem.
  • I'm 5'3 and was always like 110-115 until I started ttc. I gained weight. I'm like 123 now I had a false preg last month & the dr said I should gain 20-25. I'm trying to oose some weight now because I'm super insecure and I don't think that helps while ttc!
    @jerricab I don't know how you can be that tiny lol! I had no meat on my bones whe n I was 110 lol!
    You all must have such cute baby bellies! I can't wait til I have one!
  • Glad I not the only one. And I actually get super excited with every pound I gain its so hard I even added ensures to my daily snacks lol
  • Before I got pregnant I was about 117lbs and 5'7". Im now 33 weeks pregnant and weigh about 160. I've gained so much and I hate it cause I've been so skinny my whole life :(
    I think all my fat went to my boobs and butt tho. Haha cause my butt is huge (which is good cause I NEVER had a butt before) and I went up a whole cup size already and my milk hasn't even came in! Haha
  • I'm 5'2 and started at 108 I'm now 39 weeks and 146 pounds :)
  • I'm 5'2" and was 96lbs pre 20 weeks prego and at 110 :)
  • Lol @zekesmomma1 the only time I have a butt or big boobs is pregnant too. I've never went up this much this fast usually I will hit a d cup after my milk comes in,I'm 20 weeks now and I'm already a full c almost d! I started out a 32b...I feel like I'm buying bras every week its ridiculous lol
  • Seriously! Haha I was a 34B before I was pregnant. Now im a 36C and probably a D after my milk comes in too. Haha and then I have to buy nursing bras too! Omg. Ha
  • I'm 5 4 and weighed 115 pre pregnancy people tell me everyday I'm to small and will need to gain 50 lbs. But doctor said I need to gain 30 so I'm not to worried. People need to keep their opinions to themselves lol
  • Haha I usually stick with only Victoria secret bras because I love the quality but after wasting lots of money up till this point last week I went to marshalls. I hate the bras I bought but who cares ill probably need new ones in a few weeks. My back is already killing me! And for the first time in history I miss my little boobs lol
  • Im overweight. I think its jealousy. I feel extremely insecure about myself. Around thin girls i feel extremely inferior. I dont say anything bad to any of them infact if i have a very beautiful friend ill compliment her. I can see how some women arent that way though. My sisters for instance will find excuses for why being thin doesnt look attractive. Whatever. I wish i was thin but come from a chubs family and im lazy :-p
  • I'm 4'11" but weigh on the heavy side of 122. I'm worried about trying to find maternity clothes in my size cause I'm so little.
  • My little sister is super tiny. prolly 4'11 or 5' and has always been 90lbs and healthy she is prolly pushing 110 at 28 weeks pregnant right now and she is also having a hard time finding maternity clothes. I am 5'4 a good weight for me is 130 ish but i gained alot of weight before I got pregnant :( then I tried dieting only to find I wasnt losing weight because I was pregnant lol. I am 16 weeks and wish I got pregnant at 130lbs because I prolly wouldnt feel so fat lol. Oh well next time I will be smaller and feel cuter haha.
  • I started my pregnancy at 100lbs. My heaviest was @125lbs. Im now @ 12wks and only gained 5 lbs. Im not too worried if I gain extra lbs.
  • @momtobe19 I know a lot of people like that and it goes both ways I also know small girls who treat bigger girls poorly. It's sad...I know lots of big women that are gorgeous. I think jealously happens with everyone...I know I'm jealous of some body parts of bigger girls lol.
  • Im 5'2 and had just reached over 100lbs right before I got pregnant. Ive herad it all from "you dont have child bearing hips" to "you need to eat some greens". My bf will tell you I have no problem eatting (or drinking lol) him under the table on many occasions. I just take after my aunts on my dads side who are all very petite. I had a aunt on my mothers side who would always make a point to say how small I was and how my 10yr old cousin (her grandchild) was as big as me. I finally had to put her in her place. I told her that theres nothing wrong with my size and she shouldnt be flaunting her granddaughters size because shes overweight. People dont think before they speak. Its always been a sensitive subject for me because where im from its the thick girls with big butts and thighs that are considered sexy. Ive always wanted that. God did bless me with a nice set of D boobs and some curves so I feel lucky to at least have that. Maybe ill get my thighs and butt from this pregnancy.

    Also I wont be wearing any maternity clothes. They dont exactly make junior size maternity wear. It will be summer so im just going to wear sundresses and leggings with flowy shirts.
  • @mommys1stbundle I know how you feel its the same where I'm from. Not to mention I'm the only not "thick" girl my husband has ever been with and his whole family has bigger women. So he's always worried about my weight even though he sees that I can eat more than him lol. He loves the little extra weight I gain when I'm pregnant! Which males me feel better knowing even though I may feel like a blimp in my last trimester he thinks its beautiful :)
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