Has any1 ever test + for step b

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Curious about this strep b stuff. I test positive for it. Wandering if any mothers have had a sick baby because of it. For anyone elses knowledge its bacterial infection that u are tested for in ur 35-37 wk apparently it can be passed on to baby, makes their immune system lower.


  • i did with my last child...i was on antibotic during labor and she was fine..
  • But u can b treated when u go into labor, u will b put on antibiotics for like 4 hrs.
  • I had it w my first. The only thing I had to do was an antibiotic IV when I went into labor. Everything was fine. Not sure if I could still have it or not...
  • they say it goes away after ptegnacy
  • O. well thats good to know I guess I'm scared of not making it there quick enuf. What if ur not able to get the antibiotics
  • wow...i watched on tv a lady didnt know she was preg andhad strep and baby was real sick..talk to ur dr about being induced
  • I had it with my second and thrid child. They give me anticboic right at labor and I was fine and so where babies.
  • I tested positve for it with my son and had antibotics then with my daughter the doc tried to tell me that I didn't have it but I was told with my son that it doesn't go away and that I will need it with every pregnacy so I told them that I wanted it anyway to be safe my son was induce because I was leaking fluid but I was able to talk to my doctor with my daughter and get induced because of my fears of not making it.(I am waitng to see if they find it with this pregnancy)
  • Thanks I'm a ask my doctor about how he feels about inducing. N whether that should b done to be on the safe side in order to get the antibiotic treatment
  • I had it with my daughter...everything was fine. They just gave me an antibiotic throught the whole labor and delivery. Myself and daughter were perfectly healthy. I didnt have to b induced...my water broke and i went hopsital.
  • I had strep b with my daughter. I wasn't induced and I had the antibiotic.
  • I Did with both my kids. They just give yout an antibiotic during labor
  • I delivered in 45 mins from getting into hospital bed to baby and that was plenty of time for safe arrival of babe w the IV.
  • I had it my baby was fine i.had antiobotic at labor,,,its from unot wipin from front to back its the bactiria....also its called.group step b
  • I test + for it with my middle and youngest and just got the I delivered and everythinh was great.once you have steep be you till always have it....mine was caused by uti infections doc said
  • I was with both pregnancy. They will push meds while in labor. If they get the whole dose of meds before you deliver baby has a very small chance at getting it. my kids were both fine . Only time u have seen a issue is with woman with little or no prenatal care.
  • Yep I had it with both of mine...I just got the antibiotic and was fine after I had my kids
  • I tested negative when I was pregnant with my son but after he was born via c-section after 11 hr labor he had to be put in the nicu for a high fever. They ran tests and later found out he had group b strep sepsis and had to remain in the nicu for 15 days. He developed kidney problems from the antibiotics which resulted in high blood pressure. He will be 4 years old in may and still has high blood pressure which he has been on medication for since he was a few days old. It was pretty scary. Sorry if I worried anyone that's just what happened to us.
  • no thank u very much, drgonzo I'm thankful for all comments I'm here to learn
  • i had group b strep and doc gave me augmentin, hope nothing happens to my baby :-(
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